ukoenig wrote:You can Hide a Control on Dialog-Init :
ON INIT ( GradBrush( oDlg, { { 0.50, 16314573, 14853684 }, ;
{ 0.50, 14853684, 16314573 } }, .T. ), ;
oSay1:Hide() ) ;
Antonio Linares wrote:dialogboxes don't exist until they are created and running.
Antonio Linares wrote:Concentra,
If you are creating the dialogbox from resources, you can set the style WS_DISABLED to the controls that you want to be shown as disabled :-)
Antonio Linares wrote:Concentra,
Then you have to do it from the ACTIVATE DIALOG ... ON INIT ... clause
Antonio Linares wrote:We could implement a DISABLED clause for controls, but for now, it is not available yet
METHOD Disable() INLINE ::lActive := .f.,;
If( ::hWnd != 0, EnableWindow( ::hWnd, .f. ),)
METHOD Enable() INLINE ::lActive := .t.,;
If( ::hWnd != 0, EnableWindow( ::hWnd, .t. ),)
METHOD Hide() INLINE ShowWindow( ::hWnd, SW_HIDE )
METHOD Show() INLINE ShowWindow( ::hWnd, SW_SHOWNA )
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