today I started testing the Ribbonbar-Class to work out, how to make any Background- and Color-Changes.
Scrolling throught the sample, I noticed a wrong Alphabutton-Display.

I started to change the Basic-Settings, to find out, what is possible.
I wanted to change the Basic-Gradient-Color < oRBar:aGrad >
but there was no change. Maybe it is not possible ?
Folder-Tabs and Outline works. Are there any Values from the List, I cannot change ?

oRBar:nClrBoxOut := 128 // Ribbonbar-Outline-Color
oRBar:nClrBoxIn := 0 // Ribbonbar-Inline-Color
oRBar:nClrBoxSelOut := 32768
oRBar:nClrBoxSelIn := 32768
oRBar:aGradFld := { { 1, 16777215, 8293112 } } // Folder-Gradient
oRBar:aGrad := { {0.12, 32768, 32768 }, { 0.70, 10674091, 32768 }, { 0.18, 32768, 16777215 }}
oRBar:aGradHigh := { { 1, 2279491, 10674091 } }
oRBar:aGradOver := { { 1, 13873022, 10674091 } }
Best Regards