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Listbox to xBrowse???

PostPosted: Thu Mar 12, 2009 3:05 am
by cdmmaui
Hello, I am considering switching my listboxes to xbrowse and I wanted to know if there is any speed differences. I am currently using ADS and I have customers with databases in excess of 250 fields and 2.5 million records; what can I expect in switching from listbox or xbrowse. I appreciate your feedback regarding this item. Thank you,

Re: Listbox to xBrowse???

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2009 3:38 pm
by James Bott

You can expect that xbrowse will be slower since it is much more complex. You always trade speed for enhanced features. If speed is the most important issue, then I wouldn't switch. If you need some of the advanced features of xbrowse then you should try it and see if the speed is still acceptable. Even though the speed may be slower, it may not be significant.

Note that how many records there are in the database should have no effect on speed since only enough records to fill the browse are read at any one time.
