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PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 11:15 pm
by Rick Lipkin
To All

I have two different programs that I cut and past a simple shellexecute statement into :

Curl := ""
msginfo( Curl )

SHELLEXECUTE(nil,"open", cURL,0,0,1)

One program this works and the other different program it does not .. Driving me absolutely nuts .. I have created a 3 line test program with the above lines and it works .. However, the Shellexecure that will not respond nor will it fail in a try, catch, end try statement... just does not work. Granted, this code is buried at least 3 levels deep from and MDI main window..

1) Main MDIchild browse listbox .. click on a line for details
2) detail form is a modal dialog
3) click on a button for relational records to a modal listbox
4) click on a line for detail
5) click on a detail button to launch shellexec .. where it fails

Any ideas why this code will not work in all instances ??

Rick Lipkin

Re: shellexecute

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:00 am
by Rick Lipkin
To All

I don't know what happened .. I decided to re-build the application ( old app ) one module at a time and fixing some .rc's and some sloppy code .. and Shellexecute is working just fine ..

Go Figure

Rick Lipkin