Code: Select all | Expand
@ 10, 550 COMBOBOX oBrw:oSortCbx VAR oBrw:cSortOrder SIZE 150,400 PIXEL OF oDlg
Code: Select all | Expand
@ 10, 70 COMBOBOX nWild ITEMS { "Starting With", "Containing" } ;
ON CHANGE ( oBrw:lSeekWild := ( nWild == 2 ), ;
oBrw:Seek( If( oBrw:lSeekWild, oBrw:cSeek, "" ) ), ;
oBrw:SetFocus() ) ;
SIZE 70,400 PIXEL OF oDlg
in a single combobox i.e. have for example
in addition to the fields in which to search, there is also the possibility of searching with the "Starting With" and "Containing" options
so for example in the case of the customer archive having a combobox like this
"Starting With"
perhaps this possibility could be added with an automatic command of the type
@ 10, 550 COMBOBOX oBrw:oSortCbx VAR oBrw:cSortOrder SIZE 150,400 PIXEL OF oDlg AUTOWILD
and xbrowse will automatically fill in the options "Starting With" and "Containing" in the ITems od Combobox