concentra wrote:Is it possible that each row dynamically have its own height based on its content ?
as i can say you need Ownerdraw to get different hight as "calculation" is done by MeasureItem.
the Trick is like FranciscoA say : switch Font when "calculate"
let say you default Font are "Arial" with 10 Points. now you have 3 Lines -> 30 Point
so when WM_MEASUREITEM is fired set big Font before calculate with GetTextExtentPoint32
at WM_DRAWITEM now DRAWITEMSTRUCT->rcItem have place for 3 x Lines "10.Arial"
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library ... 85%29.aspxp.s. perhaps it is better to use NM_CUSTOMDRAW than WM_MEASUREITEM / WM_DRAWITEM