Hello Otto,
the next release will include many improvements
like a complete user defined visual-design
Also I do not see the msginfos with the text what next to do.
< what to do next > is defined inside the tooltip
and show as message at the end of the buttonlist on button-action.
it seems to me that the window gets during installation minimized and then you have no option to bring it back on screen.
during a internetconnection the tool stays on top with full size
there is a minimize-button included if wanted to use
but I can check if Iconized at startup if yes set to full size
I added
oWnd:Normal() on window-init
there is a iconize-button
@ 15, oWnd:nWidth - 80 BTNBMP oBtnResize ;
FILE c_path1 + "Resize1.bmp", "", "", ;
c_path1 + "Resize2.bmp" ;
oWnd:Iconize() SIZE 24, 24
oBtnResize:lTransparent := .T.
oBtnResize:cToolTip := { "Minimize", "TASKBAR", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 }