For nY := 1 to TOTY
For nX := 1 To TOTX
cSettore:= aSettori[nY,nX]
nElemento:= aNumeri[nY,nX]
cTypeRoom := aData[nY,nX]
nStatus:= 5
aBmps[nY,nX]:cargo := {nElemento,cSettore,cTypeRoom,nStatus }
aBmps[nY,nX]:bPainted:= { |hDC| FW_SayText( hDC, ltrim(str(nElemento)), { 30, 2, 48, 25 },,oFontOmbrelloni:hFont, CLR_WHITE, nARGB(255,COLOR_ARANCIONE) , .t. ) }
next nx
next ny
write all zero as you can see why ?
I check nElemento and this variable have a number it take from an array aNumeri
and on the array aNumeri there are number as you can see here
any solution pls