LAN User Messaging Service

Re: LAN User Messaging Service

Postby ukoenig » Wed Jan 16, 2019 10:25 am


thank You very much.
I will test Your solution.

It is possible to send messages through cmd prompt to other systems

first we have to set our systems messenger ACTIVE. For it, follow these steps:
1. Go to RUN
2. Type : services.msc
3. Scroll down and right click on MESSENGER
5. Then for enabling it go to STARTUP TYPE and select AUTOMATIC
6. Then OK

And this should be performed on both sides (SENDER & RECEIVER).
After that if you want to send message then do the following steps:
1. Go to cmd prompt
2. Type syntax as follows:
net send <ipaddress of reciever> <message to be send>

net send "hello"


it is just for testing the network-functions.
In my other programs there is a login-level included inside the section of the users and passwords defines.
It means as a sample the user defined with the lowest level can only read data ( level 1 )
with the highest level of 4 ( supervisor ) can PACK files and got all permissions.
If needed more levels can be defined.
With this solution I can hide buttons and parts of the program for each user.


Uwe :D
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
If you have any questions about special functions, maybe i can help.
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