In the newest FWH(17.11) and Harbour(3.2) I have a problem with the LisDir() and Directory() functions.
My problem is the following:
I use Hungarian characters (for example: é, á, í, ő, …etc.).
If I use the new LisDir(“C:\é”), the function return false, incorrectly,
and the Directory() function returns the following array:
With the old FWH(7.09) and Harbour(1.0.1) the LisDir(“C:\é”) works correctly (returns true),
and Directory() function returns the following array:
The second picture shows the real, valid file and directory names.
We have found an alternative version of LisDir() function (LisDirW()), but we still have the previous problem with the Directory() function.
Can you help me please, what is the solution?
Thank you.