I made a routine to index or reindex the dbf's with msgmeter , which is called for each indextag in a cdx-file
This works in all cases , except one (with 12 tag's , the last one gives a gpf when MsgMeter is called)
MsgMeter( { | oMeter, oText, oDlg, lEnd | ;
BCdxIndex( oMeter, oText, oDlg, @lEnd , :cINdExp , :cindTag ,;
hlp , :cIndCond , :lIsUnique,:lIndDesc) })
When i call Bcdxindex() direct , it works , the 12 tag's are build as expected
Also when only the 12-th tag is build , it gpf's
The last test was : change the indexexpression to one from the previous tag's , and indeed it works.
So i suppose it must be the indexexpression that confuses msgmeter :
Note the gpf occurs before BcdxIndex is called (at least a msginfo at line one is not executed)