A Colorpicker and RGB-tools

Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Sat Nov 11, 2017 5:44 pm


Left top is the browse with 1 product selected and adding all the colors I want.
Left bottom = list off all colors available as tekst ( "Red,Green,Blue,...") // data from brands csv files for import in shopcarts.
2 imgs : only for visable reference.
Right browse (left side, the sweaters) are all colorpics of the products itself.
Right browse (colors) are color jpg files that are sometimes provided from the Brands (mostly not and therefore I need colorpicker.

So, The purpose : (filling a prestashop shopcard by import and direct database filling)

We have more that 100.000 products from 40/50 brands. Ofthen they have a csv file and a bunch of foto's. They have to be combined manualy,
since they don't provide allways the correct name (dbf and jpg). That is what I do above. Finaly i have to choose that I put a HEX code as color's
or a file. The HEX is still the problem.

If I however create a dbf with your Pickcolor program, then I call your dbf also, and pass the HEX code to my files.

Or as you suggest, Your Color Picker/Manager will make color swap tables for each Brand, and I keep it open for selecting in my App. So your database should be able to show only 1 brand, like it does now with the METRO colors
and your browse showse only the brand. I select from your program, it is stored inside memory and I copy/past to my app. Seemse to work ok then.

So you have a idea of what I'm doing.
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:21 am


I extracted the parts only showing the basic colors
Do You still need the < brightness - adjustment > ?

On the left hand side a collector ( brands ) to define colorgroups.
I still have to work on the first browser where it is possible to collect colors.
All the rest like gradient defines is not included.
I think that comes closer to the solution You need :?:


The < brand > dbf

40/50 brands

AADD(DBFARRAY, { "BRAND", "C", 10, 0 }) // size ?
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR1", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR2", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR3", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR4", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR5", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR6", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR7", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR8", "C", 6, 0 })
AADD(DBFARRAY, { "COLOR9", "C", 6, 0 })
how many colors ?

Uwe :D
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:57 am


I don't need adjustments.

Only colorpicking from a image or from the defined colors table.
I see that in this version the colorpicker is not included ?

Some brands have easyly some hunderds of colors )) Maybe a dbf design like this is better ?

The colornaam is a must, because it is used as refCode into prestashop.
Brand ColorNaam Hex Dec Rgb

Brand1 Red xxxx xxxx xxxx
Brand1 Green xxxx xxxx xxx
Brand2 HighRed xxxx xxxx xxxx

The table will then be scoped for ex. only brand1 for all his colors, and put into a browse for selecting.


The shown metro colors can become one
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 11:01 am


The basis colors mosaic, can it be filled with the scoped colors from the database ? and the Metro colors can be the same data, but with the names of the Brand colors into it.

In my spicific case, the dark and light browse are not needed, and coulf be replaced by a browse for brands, with a button for (Add record). Changes only into Browse.
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 13, 2017 2:18 pm

I'm still working on a update
A button for activating the colorpicker is included.
The colorpicker supports hex
I only save the values to the clipboard ( don't show a brand-browser )

The reason of the wrong colorpicker results I found.
The screen scale-factor


Uwe :D
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:35 pm

Great, that the values are ok now !!

The picker does not need a Brand browser. I can use it as it is now.

If the Rgb browser could have a option for showing brand colors, that would be great.

Great work !!
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 13, 2017 3:58 pm


as soon it is finished, the download will include the sources as well.
It means You can modify ( add / delete ) what ever You like.

Uwe :D
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 7:33 pm

That would be very nice !
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:01 pm


the download


The source of the color-browsers is included.
The colorpicker ( color at cursorposition ) will still be updated.

Uwe :D
Last edited by ukoenig on Wed Nov 15, 2017 7:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 9:26 pm

Downloaded. Will commend...
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:09 pm


How would you suggest to have my own colors into the colorbrowser instead of Metro ?

Change the Arraydata or make a browse for it?
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:14 pm


if You don't need the metro-colors, just replace the array.
Using more colors, add a scrollbar to the browser or use 2 color-cells next to each other.

Uwe :D
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Mon Nov 13, 2017 10:29 pm


One question. In you small colorpicker (to pic from pictures, If you press ex. SPACE it save to the file.

Could you update the file to include the HEX code?
and at the same time, the hex code need to go to the clipboard , so I can paste it in a field.

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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby ukoenig » Tue Nov 14, 2017 4:45 pm

a ALLINONE solution with included picker and a new array-style of METRO-colors
Maybe You can find something usefull.

the download



Uwe :D
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Re: To Marc -> A xBrowse-image colorpicker

Postby Marc Venken » Tue Nov 14, 2017 8:10 pm


Thank you very much for your time !!

This solution works great for me.

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