WORD 2007 docx: search/replace is working

WORD 2007 docx: search/replace is working

Postby Otto » Sun Nov 09, 2008 11:08 pm

I did some tests with the new Word Open XML format and have
"search replace" working.

This is what I did:
1. rename from docx to zip
2. unpack
3. Seek and replace in the document.xml for placeholders
4. Zip again the files and rename back to docx.

Walkthrough: Word 2007 XML Format



Code: Select all  Expand view
#include "FiveWin.ch"
#INCLUDE "directry.ch"
function Main()
   local DCOM
   local cTxtFile
   local cRCFile
   local cPath := "c:\soft"    // is a tmp directry to expand the docx file
   local aFiles

   DELETE FILE ('archive.zip')
   DELETE FILE ('temp.zip')
   // clear the directory - sure there is a better way
   do while .t.
      aFiles   := directory( cPath + '\*.*', 'D' )
      if len(aFiles) > 2
         dir_recurs( cPath )

   MOVEFILE( "demo.docx" , "temp.zip" )

   //extracts all *.* files from the archive archive.zip to c:\soft folder.
   // 7Z.exe - thanks to Richard - maybe someone can help with the build in function
   DCOM  := '7Z.exe x '  + "temp.zip" + " -oc:\soft *.* -r"

   cRCFile  := "c:\soft\word\document.xml"
   cTxtFile = MemoRead( cRCFile )

   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[ANREDE]",           "Herr")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[TITELVORNAMENAME]", "Dr. Mustermann Hans")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[BRIEFANRED]",       "Lieber Hans")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[STRASSE]",          "Bahnhofstrasse")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[ORT]",              "Musterort" )

   //xHarbours memowrit adds a chr(26) - therfore I linked the harbour function here
   memowrit(cRCFile, cTxtFile,.f.  )

   //adds all files and subfolders from folder subdir to archive archive.zip.
   DCOM  := '7z a -tzip archive.zip  -ir!c:\soft\*.*'


   MOVEFILE("archive.zip", "demo.docx" )


return nil


static function dir_recurs( cPath )
   local x
   local aFiles   := directory( cPath + '\*.*', 'D' )
   local nFilCount := len( aFiles )


   for x := 1 to nFilCount

      if aFiles[ X, F_NAME ] <> '..'
         ferase (cPath + "\" +  aFiles[ X, F_NAME ])

      if 'D' $ aFiles[ X, F_ATTR ]
         if aFiles[ X, F_NAME ] <> '.'
            dir_recurs( cPath + '' + aFiles[ X, F_NAME ] )

return NIL


#include <hbapi.h>
#include <hbapiitm.h>
#include "hbapifs.h"

PHB_ITEM pFileName = hb_param( 1, HB_IT_STRING );
   PHB_ITEM pString = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );
BOOL bWriteEof = TRUE; /* write Eof !, by default is .T. */

   if( hb_parinfo(0) == 3                       && ISLOG( 3 ) )
bWriteEof = hb_parl( 3 );

   if( pFileName                                && pString )
FHANDLE fhnd = hb_fsCreate( ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pFileName ), FC_NORMAL );

   if( fhnd != FS_ERROR )
ULONG ulSize = hb_itemGetCLen( pString );

   bRetVal = ( hb_fsWriteLarge( fhnd, ( BYTE * ) hb_itemGetCPtr( pString ), ulSize ) == ulSize );

/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will add the EOF even if the write failed. [vszakats] */
/* NOTE: CA-Clipper will not return .F. when the EOF could not be written. [vszakats] */
#if ! defined(OS_UNIX_COMPATIBLE)
if( bWriteEof ) /* if true, then write EOF */

   hb_fsWrite( fhnd, &byEOF, sizeof( BYTE ) );

hb_fsClose( fhnd );

hb_retl( bRetVal );

#pragma ENDDUMP

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Postby MauroArevalo » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:21 pm


It is a very interesting topic, I will make supporting evidence.

Thank you
Edgar Mauricio Arévalo Mogollón.
Bogotá DC. Colombia
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Postby driessen » Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:55 pm


A very interesting development you share with us.

I only have 1 problem.

As I told you before I use FCREATE, FREAD and FWRITE to obtain the same result. So far so good.

But I use some signs like "[<" and ">]". In XML they are written to the file somewhat different? So I have to find out how to solve this.

But keep us informed of your further developments.


Michel D.
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Postby Otto » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:56 pm

Hello Michael,

If I remember well you told that you use RTF.

Here I use the new OPEN XML format from WORD 2007.
This is the new standard format – docx.

I uploaded my VB6 drag&dop program for test purpose.
I hope we can do this program in FWH.

You can try to drag and drop a placeholder from the program to word
and then have a look at the document.xml file inside the docx – file.
You will see that the brackets remain.

><w:t xml:space="preserve"> [STRASSE] </w:t></w:r></w:p><w:p w:rsidR="00313937" w:rsidRDefault="0034734A"><w:r w:rsidRPr="0034734A"><w:t>[ORT]<


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Postby Rochinha » Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:07 pm


Enchacement for your code:

Change the main function:
Code: Select all  Expand view
Function Main( cDOCFile, cVFields, cVData )

   aVFields := StringToArray( cVFields, ";" )
   aVData   := StringToArray( cVData, ";" )
   MOVEFILE( cDOCFile, "temp.zip" )
   HB_UNZIPFILE( "temp.zip",,.f.,,"c:\soft")
   Hb_ZIPFILE( "temp.zip", cDOCFile, 8 )

Code: Select all  Expand view
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[ANREDE]",           "Herr")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[TITELVORNAMENAME]", "Dr. Mustermann Hans")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[BRIEFANRED]",       "Lieber Hans")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[STRASSE]",          "Bahnhofstrasse")
   cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, "[ORT]",              "Musterort" )

Code: Select all  Expand view
   for i = 1 to len(aVFields)
       cTxtFile := STRTRAN(cTxtFile, aVFields[i], aVData[i])

Code: Select all  Expand view
function StringToArray( cString, cSeparator )
LOCAL aString := {}
DEFAULT cSeparator := ";"
cString := ALLTRIM( cString ) + cSeparator
   nPos := AT( cSeparator, cString )
   IF nPos = 0
   AADD( aString, SUBSTR( cString, 1, nPos-1 ) )
   cString := SUBSTR( cString, nPos+1 )
RETURN ( aString )
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Postby Otto » Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:07 pm

Hello Rochinha,

thank you very much for your enhancement.

Good news - mail merge and WINDOWS WORD 2007 programmatically from FWH is ready.

Call the function like:

MailMerge( cDOCFile, cVFields, cVData )

Where cDocFile is your WINWORD docx file, cVFields is a list with your placeholders you use in the wordfile and cVData is the corresponding data.

The document.xml files are very small and this makes this way replacing the “placeholders” very speedy.

BTW, did you also had a look at my VB6 program? Do you think this could be done with FWH: drag the contents of your list control to Word?

Next step: we have to take care about the non standard characters - in German “Umlauts” - which we pass via cVData to the xml-file.
I have to find out how to substitute the characters: for example ß will become //ß .

Thanks again and best regards,

I don’t understand why Zip/unzip from xHarbour for me is not working.
But at the moment this is not important because I can use 7Z.exe as a workaround.
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Postby Rochinha » Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:44 pm


Your .DOCX have a DOCTYPE instruction like this?:
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
       "+//IDN python.org//DTD XML Bookmark Exchange
        Language 1.0//EN//XML"

In Language 1.0//EN//XML" you need replace with Language 1.0//DE//XML".

The German Charset is iso-8859-1 or x-IA5-German

Check and Try.
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Postby Otto » Thu Nov 13, 2008 1:26 am

thank you. There is no such instruction.
A origingal docx is in my zip file

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