Otto wrote:Silvio, imagine how many windows (handles) you are using here.
With xBrowse, you have the performance where practically every cell is a window and has all functionality.
This costs resources.
I had the same problem with my room plan and the cash register. Initially, I also tried a browser approach, but it is too slow.
You need to create your own paint method here.
You have to work with coordinates and use oWnd:say(), oWnd:line(), etc.
But it is quite a bit of work.
Have you tried with LISTBOX?
Best regards,
Do you seen the last video ?
Visualbasic net
look at the horizontal scrollbar class cursor.
how do i increase the size of the scrollbar cursor?
because if the cursor is small the user has to scroll to get to the end of the 90 columns
if the cursor is large the user can get to the end of the 90 columns in two clicks and thus also save resources
I think
I didn't ask for the moon, it's not xbrowse's fault
I haven't used listbox (wbrowse) for many years and then listbox doesn't have e style support for win7/win10/win11, it doesn't work with tdatabase, I can't create double headers....
The goal is to increase the size of the thumb on the horizontal scroll bar, so that it visually represents a larger portion of the scrollable area. Increasing the size of the horizontal thumb can be useful when you have many columns in your XBrowse and you want the user to better see how much scrollable space there is compared to the visible data.
I tried to change the size of the thumb
Code: Select all | Expand
function silvio_scroll( oBrw )
local nMaxCol := len(oBrw:GetDisplayCols())
local nVisibleCol := len(oBrw:GetVisibleCols())
local nRange := nMaxCol - 1
local nThumbSize := Max( 1, ( nVisibleCol * nRange ) / nMaxCol )
if oBrw:oHScroll != nil
oBrw:oHScroll:SetRange( 0, nMaxCol )
oBrw:oHScroll:SetPage( nVisibleCol, .t. )
SetScrollInfo( oBrw:oHScroll:hWnd, SB_HORZ, nThumbSize, .t. )
return nil
but the thumb size is also smaller
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour March-April 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com