- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: postgres
First, you need to install either ODBC connector or preferably OLEDB provider for PostgreSQL.
oCn := FW_OpenAdoConnection( cConnectionString, .t. )
Please refer to the documentation of to determine the correct connection string to be used.
First, you need to install either ODBC connector or preferably OLEDB provider for PostgreSQL.
oCn := FW_OpenAdoConnection( cConnectionString, .t. )
Please refer to the documentation of to determine the correct connection string to be used.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: postgres
If you have installed Postgre server on your computer, build the samples pgre01.prg and testpgre.prg in the fwh\samples folder. Go to the folder \fwh\samples and build with either buildh.bat or buildx.bat
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
- nageswaragunupudi
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Re: postgres
I have just installed Postgre server on my PC.
Both the samples pgre01.prg and testpgre.prg worked for me.
I have also installed Postgre Oledb provider and I am able to connect to the server using ADO, with this connection string.
Still testing with ADO. We propose to make improvements, where necessary, to the ado functions in the FWH version under release now.
Both the samples pgre01.prg and testpgre.prg worked for me.
I have also installed Postgre Oledb provider and I am able to connect to the server using ADO, with this connection string.
Code: Select all | Expand
Provider=PostgreSQL OLE DB Provider;Data Source=myServerAddress;
location=myDataBase;User ID=myUsername;password=myPassword;
Still testing with ADO. We propose to make improvements, where necessary, to the ado functions in the FWH version under release now.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Re: postgres
in pgre01.prg and testpgre.prg occurs
TPQServer():New( cHost, cDataBase, cUser, cPassword, , cSchema )
when I compliling , I got error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
TPQServer():New( cHost, cDataBase, cUser, cPassword, , cSchema )
when I compliling , I got error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
best regards
- nageswaragunupudi
- Posts: 10721
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Re: postgres
please go to \fwh\samples folder.
If you are using xharbour, then buildx pgre01
If you are using harbour, then buildh pgre01.
You will not get any unresolved externals.
If you are using xharbour, then buildx pgre01
If you are using harbour, then buildh pgre01.
You will not get any unresolved externals.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Re: postgres
I am using (simplex ) with Pelles ISO C compiler 3.0
and get error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
and get error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
best regards
- nageswaragunupudi
- Posts: 10721
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Re: postgres
Both Harbour and xHarbour provide a library "pgsql.lib" for connecting to PostGre server.
So users of both free xHarbour and Harbour with bcc can straight away connect to PostGre server and start working with.
You need to link the pgsql.lib provided with your commerical
In addition, you need to create an implib for libpq.dll ( available in fwh\samples ) folder and link that too.
So users of both free xHarbour and Harbour with bcc can straight away connect to PostGre server and start working with.
You need to link the pgsql.lib provided with your commerical
In addition, you need to create an implib for libpq.dll ( available in fwh\samples ) folder and link that too.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Re: postgres
when I add pgsql from FWH s:\lib ( FWH there is in S:)
I get error
Type: C >>>xlink.exe -NOEXPOBJ -MAP -FORCE:MULTIPLE -NOIMPLIB -subsystem:windows -UNMANGLE -LIBPATH:"S:\lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\c_lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\c_lib\win" "t.obj" "errorsys.obj" "mem32.lib" "send32.lib" "png.lib" "r:\c_lib\win\gdi32.lib" "r:\c_lib\win\gdiplus.lib" "xhbzip.lib" "xhbzipdll.lib" "xfw.lib" "s:\lib\pgsql.lib" "libpq.lib" "FiveHCM.lib" "FiveHMX.lib" "OptG.lib" "xhb.lib" "dbf.lib" "nsx.lib" "ntx.lib" "cdx.lib" "rmdbfcdx.lib" "ct3comm.lib" crt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib winspool.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib wininet.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib msimg32.lib mpr.lib OleDlg.lib version.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib lz32.lib Netapi32.lib -out:"t.EXE"<<<
xLINK: fatal error: Corrupt library: 's:\lib\pgsql.lib'.
I get error
Type: C >>>xlink.exe -NOEXPOBJ -MAP -FORCE:MULTIPLE -NOIMPLIB -subsystem:windows -UNMANGLE -LIBPATH:"S:\lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\c_lib" -LIBPATH:"R:\c_lib\win" "t.obj" "errorsys.obj" "mem32.lib" "send32.lib" "png.lib" "r:\c_lib\win\gdi32.lib" "r:\c_lib\win\gdiplus.lib" "xhbzip.lib" "xhbzipdll.lib" "xfw.lib" "s:\lib\pgsql.lib" "libpq.lib" "FiveHCM.lib" "FiveHMX.lib" "OptG.lib" "xhb.lib" "dbf.lib" "nsx.lib" "ntx.lib" "cdx.lib" "rmdbfcdx.lib" "ct3comm.lib" crt.lib kernel32.lib user32.lib winspool.lib ole32.lib oleaut32.lib odbc32.lib odbccp32.lib uuid.lib wsock32.lib ws2_32.lib wininet.lib advapi32.lib shlwapi.lib msimg32.lib mpr.lib OleDlg.lib version.lib comctl32.lib comdlg32.lib gdi32.lib shell32.lib winmm.lib lz32.lib Netapi32.lib -out:"t.EXE"<<<
xLINK: fatal error: Corrupt library: 's:\lib\pgsql.lib'.
best regards
- nageswaragunupudi
- Posts: 10721
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Re: postgres
The lib provided by FWH is for Harbour and xHarbour with bcc only. It is not compatible with your
As I said before you need to get it from's libs or build it yourself with's compiler from the contrib sources.
As I said before you need to get it from's libs or build it yourself with's compiler from the contrib sources.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
Re: postgres
when I am using lib from (R: there is path to xHARBOUR.COM)
I get error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
I get error
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_TPQSERVER referenced from (t.obj)'.
xLINK: error: Unresolved external symbol '_HB_FUN_PQEXEC referenced from (t.obj)'.
best regards
- nageswaragunupudi
- Posts: 10721
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Re: postgres
Please see my posts above.
You need to link "pgsql.lib".
If this is not available, you need to build it using's compiler from the contrib sources.
I hope the paid provides the sources.
If not, download the sources from free xharbour and build the library.
You need to link "pgsql.lib".
If this is not available, you need to build it using's compiler from the contrib sources.
I hope the paid provides the sources.
If not, download the sources from free xharbour and build the library.
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India