To Uwe: background tool

To Uwe: background tool

Postby Otto » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:50 pm

Dear Uwe,

would you please be so kind to publish from your background tool the part that we can build a function

aGrad := background()

which should return the background array and show following screen?

Thanks in advance
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby ukoenig » Tue Jan 18, 2011 9:46 pm

Hello Otto,

I created stand-alone Painters for all Background-selections, because I can use them in all
future Tools, I'm still planning.
Maybe You prefer this Solution ( it is much better than the Style from Your Screenshot ) ?
Do You need the Functiones as well, updating at Runtime :
Windows , MDI-frames, MDI-childs, Dialogs, Transparent Child on Gradient-MDI-frame ?


Best Regards
Uwe :?:
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby Otto » Tue Jan 18, 2011 10:48 pm

Dear Uwe,

>Maybe You prefer this Solution ( it is much better than the Style from Your Screenshot ) ?
>Do You need the Functiones as well, updating at Runtime :
>Windows , MDI-frames, MDI-childs, Dialogs, Transparent Child on Gradient-MDI-frame ?

yes this would be great.
Thanks in advance
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby ukoenig » Wed Jan 19, 2011 12:30 pm

Hello Otto,

I think, You want to include User-defined Backgrounds ?
The new Update shows, how to manage this ( I hope, getting it ready for Download this Week ) :

1. Create / define a background with the Painters
2. Save / Restore Background-Values to / from a INI-file
3. Restart with new Values ( using Daniel*s Reset-function )

Maybe it is better for You, testing the Update and tell me the Parts You need ( it will save some work ) ?
But if it is very urgent and You want to start right now, I can send You the Paint-functions and Resource.

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby ukoenig » Wed Jan 19, 2011 11:08 pm

Hello Otto,

here is the promised Download of the new Release 2.1 for first Tests.
It is a bit difficult, to take care of 4 different Window-styles the same Time.
Maybe You still have some Ideas, could be included in the final Release ?
Just let me know about the Parts, You want to use.
The final release will be finished very soon.

Download (4.1 MB)

Included :

1. Painters / Selections for Colors, Gradients, Brushes and Images
2. Autoclose of all Dialogs on Selection-change from Ribbonbar ( No Dialog close / exit-buttons )
3. MDI-frames with any background
4. MDI-child with any background
5. Dialog on MDI-frame with any background
6. Button- and transparent-test on MDI-frame
7. Textcolor change / transparent-test of Dialog ( Text-, Checkbox- and Radio )
8. Thumbnail-preview of any background
9. xBrowse-test on MDI-frame
10. Save/restore from/to INI-file
11. Restart with new Values from INI-file
12. Create PRG and running EXE fom Selections
13. Load INI with included Editor ( Infos on all INI-sections )


Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby Otto » Thu Jan 20, 2011 3:46 pm

Uwe, thank you for the new tool.
Best regards,
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Re: To Uwe: background tool

Postby ukoenig » Thu Jan 20, 2011 9:08 pm


I exported all needed Functions to a new one from the Tool above.
Everything is included in just one Dialog ( no Folderpages needed like in the other Tools ).
You can define Windows- and Dialog-backgrounds with any Combination.
Because it is very small and compact, it can easy included in Your program as a
User-defined Background-selection.

I will send it to You tomorrow ( still some final tests )

Like the Tool above :
1. Windows with any Background
2. Dialog with any Background
3. Textcolor
4. Text, Radio and Checkbox included in Dialog for transparent Test.
5. Create a standalone Exe-file
6. Save and restore from INI
7. Restart the Tool with new Vars from INI-file

The Tool :

The compiled Result :

Best Regards
Uwe :lol:
Since 1995 ( the first release of FW 1.9 )
i work with FW.
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