Metropanel bugs

Metropanel bugs

Postby James Bott » Mon May 13, 2013 2:22 pm

MetroPanel bugs
FWH 13.04

First let me say that whoever wrote the Metropanel class has done a great job! This is quite a complicated class.

However, while testing it I have found a few bugs which significantly detract from the visual aspects of the display. They are:

1) When the mouse cursor is within the left 3 inches of the screen, and you use the mouse wheel to slide to the left, the first group doesn't move past the edge of the screen--it just bounces back and forth about a half inch.

2) When the tile groups are being moved and there is an image on the screen, the bottom part of the image bounces back and forth about a half inch. Strangely, the top of the image (above the tile groups doesn't move).

3) Occasionally, when moving the tile groups, the screen background flashes to totally white. I can't seem to recreate this on demand. This happens both with a background image and without.

All of the testing was done with the \samples\metrptst.prg program running under XP Pro SP3.

I have looked at the metropnl.prg but since it is so complex, I do not see anything obvious that may be causing these issues.

I was hoping to use this class to create a demo for a client, but until these visual bugs are fixed, it doesn't seem like a good idea. If I can be of any help in finding the bugs or testing, please let me know.

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Re: Metropanel bugs

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue May 14, 2013 10:39 pm

1) When the mouse cursor is within the left 3 inches of the screen, and you use the mouse wheel to slide to the left, the first group doesn't move past the edge of the screen--it just bounces back and forth about a half inch.

Not 3 inches. To be precise, when the mouse cursor is on the left most visible tile, we are unable to move that tile out of sight to the left. Same way, when the cursor is on the right most visible tile, we are unable to slide that tile out of sight to the right.

There is a built-in logic that when the user moves the mouse cursor over a tile that is partly visible, then the full tile is brought into view by automatically sliding the panel a little till the tile is fully seen.

In other words, the present behaviour is that the user can not slide a tile out of the screen as long as he is having mouse cursor over it.

2) When the tile groups are being moved and there is an image on the screen, the bottom part of the image bounces back and forth about a half inch. Strangely, the top of the image (above the tile groups doesn't move).

Yes, the bottom part of the background image shakes during sliding of the panel. On slower displays this may be more noticeable. This needs improvement and should be expected in future versions.

Meanwhile, metro panel over solid color ( more commonly seen ) works well.

3) Occasionally, when moving the tile groups, the screen background flashes to totally white. I can't seem to recreate this on demand. This happens both with a background image and without.

I have never noticed it. But I accept this must be happening because you observed it. Just for re-confirmation, have you noticed it on solid color background without any image background? You said that but I am still curious.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Metropanel bugs

Postby James Bott » Wed May 15, 2013 12:32 am


In other words, the present behaviour is that the user can not slide a tile out of the screen as long as he is having mouse cursor over it.

OK, but are you saying this is by design or a bug?

[White flash]...I have never noticed it. But I accept this must be happening because you observed it. Just for re-confirmation, have you noticed it on solid color background without any image background? You said that but I am still curious.

Yes, it occurs with or without an image. Sometimes the entire screen turns white and other times it seems like just the top half. I notice it seems to occur when the right panel is completely visible and you use the scroll bar to move it off and on the screen (slowly). I will try to check it on a faster computer.

I made a manifest file for the standard Metro tile colors that Microsoft uses--just in case anyone is interested.

Code: Select all  Expand view

#define METRO_LIME    RGB(164, 196, 0)
#define METRO_GREEN   RGB(96, 169, 23)
#define METRO_EMERALD RGB(0, 138, 0)
#define METRO_TEAL    RGB(0, 171, 169)
#define METRO_CYAN    RGB(27, 161, 226)
#define METRO_COBALT  RGB(0, 80, 239)
#define METRO_INDIGO  RGB(106, 0, 255)
#define METRO_VIOLET  RGB(170, 0, 255)
#define METRO_PINK    RGB(244, 114, 208)
#define METRO_MAGENTA RGB(216, 0, 115)
#define METRO_CRIMSON RGB(162, 0, 37)
#define METRO_RED     RGB(229, 20, 0)
#define METRO_ORANGE  RGB(250, 104, 0)
#define METRO_AMBER   RGB(240, 163, 10)
#define METRO_YELLOW  RGB(227, 200, 0)
#define METRO_BROWN   RGB(130, 90, 44)
#define METRO_OLIVE   RGB(109, 135, 100)
#define METRO_STEEL   RGB(100, 118, 135)
#define METRO_MAUVE   RGB(118, 96, 138)
#define METRO_TAUPE   RGB(135, 121, 78)

Last edited by James Bott on Wed May 15, 2013 1:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metropanel bugs

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed May 15, 2013 12:42 am

OK, but are you saying this is by design or a bug?

It was by design when the class was first written. It does not mean it has to remain like that forever. We shall try to make it closer to windows behaviour soon.

Yes, it occurs with or without an image. Sometimes the entire screen turns white and other times it seems like just the top half.

We shall also extensively check on this and see what can be done.

Here is a manifest file for the standard Metro tile colors that Microsoft uses--just in case anyone is interested.

Thanks for this info. We should all be interested.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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