Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby Cgallegoa » Sun Aug 06, 2023 5:49 pm

Best regards to all.

The FW_ArrayAsRecordSet() function is supposed to return an ADODB.RecordSet type object, an object that includes the Seek() method, which works wonderfully in DB´s MaríaDB, MySql, Postgresql, Sqlite, etc., but, with FW_ArrayAsRecordSet() function, generates error: "ADODB.RecordSet/6 DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: PROPERTIES" error

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#include ""


Function Main()
  LOCAL aStruct := {}, aRegs := {}, oRs

  SET DATE FORMAT TO "dd-mm-yyyy"


  aStruct := dbStruct()
  aRegs   := FW_DbfToArray()
  oRs     := FW_ArrayAsRecordSet( aRegs, aStruct )
 // xBrowse(oRs, "oRs ArrayAsRecordSet from DBF")
  oRs:Seek( "Simpson" , .T., .F.)   // Genera " Error ADODB.RecordSet/6  DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: SEEK"


How can it be corrected? I use FWH 20.07, xHarbour and Borland 7.3
A big hug for everyone.
Last edited by Cgallegoa on Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:45 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Carlos Gallego

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Re: Seek in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet

Postby cnavarro » Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:03 pm

Cristobal Navarro
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Re: Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby Cgallegoa » Mon Aug 07, 2023 6:42 pm

Mr Rao, Mr Antonio, any idea how to solve the error?

Best regards,

Carlos Gallego

*** FWH-24.07, xHarbour 1.3.1 Build 20240624, Borland C++7.70, PellesC ***
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Re: Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Aug 08, 2023 6:47 pm

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? oRs:Supports( "index" ) // --> .f.
? oRs:Supports( "seek" ) // --> .f.

This is a synthetic recordset and has no server and no physical table and no physical indexes.
So this recordset's CursorLoction property is adUseClient. Even oRs:ActiveConnection is NIL, because this is not connected to any server.

Being a profuse user of indexes and seek, you are aware that a RecordSet supports "index" property and "seek" method only when the recordset opens a physical table as Serverside Cursor using adUseServer and with adCmdTableDirect option and all other kinds of RecordSets do not support Seek method. (Mostly RecordSets are open with adUseClient)

So, this recordset does not support "seek" method.
Instead we need to use Find method.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby Cgallegoa » Tue Aug 08, 2023 10:34 pm

Mr. Rao, thank you very much for your reply.

FW_ArrayAs RecordSet also doesn't support the Find method.

Perhaps the only option is to make an ASCAN into the array obtained with RsGetRows( oRs ), and then, position the cursor in the oRS recordset with Rs:AbsolutePosition := nPos.

The code with de option:
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Function Main()
   LOCAL aStruct := {}, aRegs := {}, oRs

   SET DATE FORMAT TO "dd-mm-yyyy"


   aStruct := dbStruct()
   aRegs   := FW_DbfToArray()
   oRs     := FW_ArrayAsRecordSet( aRegs, aStruct )
  // oRs:Seek( "Simpson" , .T., .F.)    // Return "Error ADODB.RecordSet/6  DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: SEEK"
  // oRs:Find( "Simpson" )                // Return "Error ADODB.RecordSet/6  DISP_E_UNKNOWNNAME: FIND"

   oRs:Sort := "first,last ASC" // oRs:Fields(0):Name // "INDEX_NAME,ORDINAL_POSITION"
   aData := RsGetRows( oRs )
   nPos  := ASCAN(aData,{|x| x[2] = "Simpson" })
   oRs:AbsolutePosition := nPos

   xBrowse(oRs)   // Record Found   :)


What do you think ?

Best regards,

Carlos Gallego

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Re: Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Aug 09, 2023 7:31 am

Except 'index' and 'seek' everything else like Sort, Find, Filter work.
Please tru this small sample
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   oRs   := FW_ArrayAsRecordSet( FW_DbfToArray(), DBSTRUCT() )
   xbrowser oRs AUTOSORT

We can sort on any column
We can do incremental seek on the sorted column
We can do incremental wild seek
We can do incremental filters including wild filters.
XBrowse uses Find method for incremental seeks.

G. N. Rao.
Hyderabad, India
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Re: Error in FW_ArrayAsRecordSet Seek - Please help

Postby Cgallegoa » Thu Aug 10, 2023 7:31 pm

Mr Rao, I have everything clear. Thank you very much for your kind help.

Best regards,

Carlos Gallego

*** FWH-24.07, xHarbour 1.3.1 Build 20240624, Borland C++7.70, PellesC ***
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