We are currently using the 32 bit Fivewin Harbour with Borland compiler. We are interested in the migration to the 64 bit version, and how seamless this may be. Has anyone gone through this migration? What can we expect as challenges? What is the typical development environment for the 64 bit version?
If you review FWH\samples\build64.bat you will see how to use the Visual Studio C compiler and libraries. Actually FWH 64 supports Visual Studio 2013 Express.
Surely in January or February we will migrate FWH 64 from Visual Studio 2013 to Visual Studio Community 2015.
What areas of code will we need to change for FWH 64? In the past not all commands were compatible.
To be exact, can code written for 32 bit FWH be used with 64 bit FWH ?
At this time I have to do builds with xHarbour ( 32 bit ), and I have a 32 bit MSVC / Harbour version, and both use the same source code files for the build. Would this also be true for the 64 bit FWH ?
I do have clients who still have older 32 bit OS installed.
OK ... I'm thinking on it. Maybe a 2nd promo with a longer time of updates. Based on threads here, there are still numerous issues being resolved with the existing version, and 2 months might not get us to a "clean and stable" version during this period of quickly advancing FW development.