I THINK this error on fwh10.6 corrected .. but
I have also the same error on xbrowse to show bitmap on xbrowse when I want use the windows seven effect
oCol:= oApp():oGrid:AddCol()
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_HARD')
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_LAPTOP' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_PRINTERS' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_MONITOR' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_KEYBOARD' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_SWITCH' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_MOUSE' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_POCKET' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_SCANNER' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_PROJECT' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_VCAM' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_FCAM' )
oCol:AddResource( 'TREE_CAMERA' )
oCol:bBmpData := { || AScan( aItems, Trim( (oDHard)->type )) + 2 }
* oCol:bStrData := { || (oDHard)->type}
oCol:cHeader := "Tipo"
oCol:nWidth := 60
oCol:nHeadBmpNo := 2
oCol:nHeadBmpAlign := AL_RIGHT
oCol:oDataFont := oFontGrid
oCol:bLClickHeader :={ ||(Sel_Index(3,oDHard) , oApp():oTab:nOption:=3,oApp():oTab:refresh()) }
WITH OBJECT oApp():oGrid
:bChange := { || (nRecSel := oApp():oGrid:BookMark,RefreshCont(oApp:oCont,oDHard)) }
:nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_NOLINES
:nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_NOLINES
AEval( oApp():oGrid:aCols, { |oCol| ;
oCol:bPaintText := { |oCol, hDC, cData, aRect | ;
PaintCol( oCol, hDC, cData, aRect, nRecSel ) } ;
} )
STATIC FUNCTION PaintCol( oCol, hDC, cData, aRect, nRecSel )
if nRecSel ==(oDHard)->( RecNo() )
GradientFill( hDC, aRect[ 1 ] - 2, aRect[ 2 ] - 3, aRect[ 3 ] + 1, aRect[ 4 ] + 5,;
{ { 1, RGB( 220, 235, 252 ), RGB( 193, 219, 252 ) } }, .T. )
SetBkMode( hDC, 1 )
RoundBox( hDC, 2, aRect[ 1 ] - 1, WndWidth( oCol:oBrw:hWnd ) - 22, aRect[ 3 ] + 1, 2, 2,;
RGB( 235, 244, 253 ), 1 )
RoundBox( hDC, 1, aRect[ 1 ] - 2, WndWidth( oCol:oBrw:hWnd ) - 21, aRect[ 3 ] + 2, 2, 2,;
RGB( 125, 162, 206 ), 1 )
SetTextColor( hDC, 0 )
DrawTextEx( hDC, cData, aRect, oCol:nDataStyle )
return nil