Hello Darrell;
To expand on a previous comment; among many other features, with Fastreports you can make DrillDown reports n-level deep. Now deceased, Sergi Spirin, had the rights to distribute and maintained a fastreports class for harbour [very-very-very good and advanced tool].
FastReports works with just about every modern computer language and is quite popular among Delphi programmers. Nothing else in the xbase world comes close.
Unfortunately, since Sergi's passing, only the people at xalier is working with a harbour implementation of FastReports. They call it FRX and claim that it works with FWH. I say "unfortunately" because I was hoping someone in the FWH community would take on the project but that hasn't happened. Too bad, since this is --hands down--, the very best reporting class available to us.
https://www.fast-report.com/en/I think those of us in the FWH world using FastReports are still using Sergi's code. I'm still producing reports that would be impossible otherwise but always worried that my fastreports will stop working for me and have to return to less advanced tools.
Best regards,