12.07 build errors

Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Mon Aug 20, 2012 4:03 pm


Regarding two of your comments.

1) I only use an older version of xHarbour for some issues that my clients have with older versions of software, like an older server version of ADS. Antonio has been very gracious to keep the updates compatible with the xHarbour.com. If that became difficult for him to do, I would simply freeze those updates to the FWH version that last was compatible.

2) I have moved to Harbour and MSVC for several reasons. Antonio works closely with the Harbour people, and he writes all of his code to Harbour. I switched from xHarbour.com because there seemed to be no activity ( development ) there any logner. I moved to MSVC because it is the most compatible with WIndows, and since Microsoft has 690 million Windows 7 users alone ( or over a billion counting the older OS's ), I think that's a pretty good marketplace to serve. Also, I have spent the last 6 months focusing on new Microsoft technologies, and I do believe we need to be compatible, which old versions of BCC simply won't do.

Tim Stone
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Aug 21, 2012 7:53 am

TimStone wrote:2) I have moved to Harbour and MSVC for several reasons. Antonio works closely with the Harbour people, and he writes all of his code to Harbour. I switched from xHarbour.com because there seemed to be no activity ( development ) there any logner.

First, I sadly agree on what you said about xHarbour.com. Second, I already express my thoughts regarding Harbour.

TimStone wrote:I moved to MSVC because it is the most compatible with WIndows, and since Microsoft has 690 million Windows 7 users alone ( or over a billion counting the older OS's ), I think that's a pretty good marketplace to serve. Also, I have spent the last 6 months focusing on new Microsoft technologies, and I do believe we need to be compatible, which old versions of BCC simply won't do.

Can you list some Windows technologies that BCC is not compatible with? I'm not against changing compiler, if it's worth to do. I love BCC for its compactness.

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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:39 pm


Antonio did a great comparison in a previous thread of all the compilers ... what they can, and cannot, do. There were also several other threads that discussed this in depth. I can't relate to BCC because I don't use it. I last used it in the very earliest days of the Harbour Project. That's a lot of years ago.

Antonio has also posted some material on Harbour. Perhaps the most important issue is that, if you use FWH, you can be sure Harbour is compatible because that is what he is using.

The truth is that everything changes on October 26th. Windows 8, Office 2013, Windows 2012 Server, the Microsoft Cloud services ... its all very different than our traditional forms based applications. We are not going away, and we can be a player, but we have several issues that must be met to "stay in the game". For all the debate, Windows 8 IS going to gain acceptance because it really will meet the needs of users.

Tim Stone
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:07 pm


It is included in the FWH makefile:

PRG = \
BROWSE.PRG \ <== Here !

have you recompiled FWH yourself ?
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Aug 21, 2012 8:19 pm


Included you function cTempFile() fix this way:

Code: Select all  Expand view
  if ! Empty( cExtension ) .and. ! "." $ cExtension
      cExtension = "." + cExtension
regards, saludos

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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Wed Aug 29, 2012 6:33 pm


Unfortunately I was not able to get the "fix" you gave me for my original problem ( the hb_func ) to compile. It didn't like the stdio.h from xHB, and it reported an IF error with the hb include file.

Will you have a fix for this issue in 12.08 ?

For now I had to do the xHb builds with FWH 12.06, and I can use the 12.07 with my Harbour / MSVC builds.


Tim Stone
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby Antonio Linares » Wed Aug 29, 2012 11:53 pm


Do you mean the unresolved extrernal symbol '__iob error ?
regards, saludos

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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:34 pm


Sorry for the delay. Yes it is the __iob error.

I took the code you provided, put it in a .prg file, and linked it to the program ... except it wouldn't link. It did not like the .h files.

Tim Stone
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Tue Sep 04, 2012 3:25 pm

Did I miss a fix for this ?
Tim Stone
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:23 pm


The fix that I proposed here has to work fine, I think you implemented it wrongly.

Here you have the complete harbour.prg
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include "error.ch"
#include "fwerror.ch"

#define CRLF Chr( 13 ) + Chr( 10 )

#ifdef __HARBOUR__
   #ifndef __XHARBOUR__
      function HB_DBG_VMSTKLCOUNT( x ) ;  return __DBGVMSTKLCOUNT( x )
      function HB_DBG_VMPARLLIST( x ) ;   return __DBGVMPARLLIST( x )
      function HB_DBG_VMVARLGET( x, y ) ; return __DBGVMVARLGET( x, y )
      function HB_DBG_VMVARSLEN() ;       return __DBGVMVARSLEN()


#ifndef __XHARBOUR__

function Execute( cCode, ... )

   local oHrb, cResult, bOldError, uRet
   local cFWheaders := If( lIsDir( ".\include" ), ".\include", "c:\FWH\include" )
   local cHBheaders := If( lIsDir( ".\include" ), ".\include", "c:\harbour\include" )

   FReOpen_Stderr ( "comp.log", "w" )
   oHrb = HB_CompileFromBuf( cCode, "-n", "-I" + cFWheaders, "-I" + cHBheaders )
   if ! Empty( oHrb )
      bOldError = ErrorBlock( { | o | DoBreak( o ) } )
      uRet = hb_HrbDo( hb_HrbLoad( oHrb ), ... )
      ErrorBlock( bOldError )

return uRet



#include <stdio.h>
#include <hbapi.h>

   hb_retnl( ( HB_ULONG ) freopen( hb_parc( 1 ), hb_parc( 2 ), stderr ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP



static function DoBreak( oError )

   local cInfo := oError:operation, n

   if ValType( oError:Args ) == "A"
      cInfo += "   Args:" + CRLF
      for n = 1 to Len( oError:Args )
         MsgInfo( oError:Args[ n ] )
         cInfo += "[" + Str( n, 4 ) + "] = " + ValType( oError:Args[ n ] ) + ;
                   "   " + cValToChar( oError:Args[ n ] ) + CRLF

   MsgStop( oError:Description + CRLF + cInfo,;
            "Script error at line: " + AllTrim( Str( ProcLine( 2 ) ) ) )


return nil


function LocalCount( nProcLevel )

return HB_DBG_VMSTKLCOUNT( nProcLevel + 1 ) - ParamCount( nProcLevel + 1 )


function ParamCount( nProcLevel )

return Len( HB_DBG_VMPARLLIST( nProcLevel + 1 ) )


function GetParam( nProcLevel, nParam )

return HB_DBG_VMPARLLIST( nProcLevel + 1 )[ nParam ]


function MemUsed()

return Memory( 1001 )


function MemMax()

return Memory( 1002 )


function NtxPos()

return 0


function uLoadObject() // dummy function waiting to become ready
return nil


function VbxEvent()
return nil


function LoadVbx()
return nil


function VbxClassName()
return ""


function TVbControl()
return nil


function WindowsFix()  // no needed for Harbour
return nil


function ChildLevel( o, oClass )

return If( o:IsDerivedFrom( oClass ) .or. ;
           Upper( o:ClassName() ) == Upper( oClass:ClassName() ), 1, 0 )


function OClone( o )

return __objClone( o )


function LoadLib32( cDLL )

return LoadLibrary( cDLL )


function FreeLib32( hDLL )

return FreeLibrary( hDLL )


function SetMultiple( lOnOff )

return nil


function GetLocal( nProcLevel, nLocal )

return HB_DBG_VMVARLGET( nProcLevel + 1, ParamCount( nProcLevel + 1 ) + nLocal )


function NInitDSSize()

return 0


function NSYMPSIZE()

return 0


function nStackSize()

return 0


function nHeapSize()

return 0


function nStatics()



function _GenError( nError, cClassName, cMsg )

   local oError := ErrorNew()

   oError:SubSystem   = "BASE"
   oError:SubCode     = nError
   oError:Severity    = ES_ERROR
   oError:Description = "Message not found"
   oError:Operation   = cClassName + ":" + cMsg

return oError


function _CLSSETERROR( oError )

return Eval( ErrorBlock(), oError )


#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
function ASend( aObjects, cMsg, ... )
   local n
   if aObjects == nil
      return nil

   for n = 1 to Len( aObjects )
      OSend( aObjects[ n ], cMsg, ... )
   return nil
function ASend( ... ) //aObjects, cMsg, uPar1,...
   local aParams := hb_aParams()
   local aObjects, n, j
   local aParams2 := {}

   if aParams[ 1 ] == nil
      return nil
   aObjects = aParams[ 1 ]

   for n = 1 to Len( aObjects )
     AAdd( aParams2, aObjects[ n ] )
     for j = 2 to Len( aParams )
        AAdd( aParams2, aParams[ j ] )
     next j
     hb_execFromArray( @OSend(),  aParams2 )
     aParams2 = {}
   return nil


#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
function OSend( oObj, cMsg, ... )
   if "(" $ cMsg
      cMsg = StrTran( cMsg, "()", "" )
   return __ObjSendMsg( oObj, cMsg, ... )
function OSend( ... ) // oObj, cMsg, uPar1,...
   local aParams := hb_aParams()

   if "(" $ aParams[ 2 ]
      aParams[ 2 ] = StrTran( aParams[ 2 ], "()", "" )

   return hb_execFromArray( @__ObjSendMsg(), aParams )


#ifndef __XHARBOUR__
function OleInvoke( hObj, cMethod, ... )
   return __ObjSendMsg( TOleAuto():New( hObj ), cMethod, ... )
function OleInvoke( ... )
   local aParams := hb_aParams()
   local hObj, cMethod, aParams2 := {}
   hObj    = aParams[ 1 ]
   cMethod = aParams[ 2 ]

   if Len( aParams ) > 2
      AEval( aParams, {| uVal | AAdd( aParams2, uVal ) }, 3 )

   aParams2[ 1 ] = TOleAuto():New( hObj )

   return hb_execFromArray( @__ObjSendMsg(), aParams2 )

function OleSetProperty( hObj, cPropName, uValue )

return __ObjSendMsg( TOleAuto():New( hObj ), "_" + cPropName, uValue )

function OleGetProperty( hObj, cPropName )

return __ObjSendMsg( TOleAuto():New( hObj ), cPropName )


#ifdef __XHARBOUR__

// Keep this C code here so only xHarbour uses it


#include <hbapi.h>

//char * hb_parc( int iParam, ... );
//ULONG  hb_parclen( int iParam, ... );
//int    hb_parni( int iParam, ... );
//LONG   hb_parnl( int iParam, ... );
//int    hb_parl( int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_storc( const char * szText, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_storclen( const char * szText, ULONG ulLength, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_storl( int iLogical, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_storni( int iValue, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_stornl( LONG lValue, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_stords( const char * szDate, int iParam, ... );
//void   hb_stornd( double dValue, int iParam, ... );

char * hb_parvc( int iParam, int iIndex )
   return ( char * ) hb_parc( iParam, iIndex );

ULONG hb_parvclen( int iParam, int iIndex )
   return hb_parclen( iParam, iIndex );

int hb_parvni( int iParam, int iIndex )
   return hb_parni( iParam, iIndex );

long hb_parvnl( int iParam, int iIndex )
   return hb_parnl( iParam, iIndex );

BOOL hb_parvl( int iParam, int iIndex )
   return hb_parl( iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvc( char * szText, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_storc( szText, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvclen( char * szText, ULONG ulLength, int iParam )
   hb_storclen( szText, ulLength, iParam );

void hb_storvl( BOOL bValue, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_storl( bValue, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvnl( LONG lValue, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_stornl( lValue, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvni( int iValue, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_storni( iValue, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvds( char * szDate, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_stords( szDate, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvnd( double dValue, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_stornd( dValue, iParam, iIndex );

void hb_storvnll( LONG lValue, int iParam, int iIndex )
   hb_stornl( lValue, iParam, iIndex );

#pragma ENDDUMP



#include <hbapi.h>

   hb_retptr( ( void * ) hb_parnl( 1 ) );

   hb_retnl( ( HB_LONG ) hb_parptr( 1 ) );

#pragma ENDDUMP


regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: 12.07 build errors

Postby TimStone » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:38 pm

Thank you. That worked out.

Tim Stone
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