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Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:06 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Apart from the question how to turn on or off debug, one important point raised by Mr. Tim is to be answered.
I don't understand why it would even call a file that doesn't exist in the current build ( FWDbg.dll ).

I am using FWH borland. I do not have FWHDBG.DLL.
Then why should FWH libraries call a DLL which is not distributed? Or the distribution should include that DLL.

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:56 am
by Antonio Linares

The FWDBG.DLL is located in FWH\DLL folder. It contains the resources used by the FWH debugger.

If the DLL is getting loaded (or tried to be loaded) then it means that a linked OBJ has been compiled used /B.

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 4:09 am
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr. Antonio

This is the directory listing on my computer ( fwh 10.6 ).
Code: Select all  Expand view
Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 82B7-57D9

 Directory of C:\FWH\dll

13-07-2010  09:34 AM    <DIR>          .
13-07-2010  09:34 AM    <DIR>          ..
13-07-2010  09:34 AM                 0 dir.txt
11-06-2010  07:54 AM             1,245 files.txt
11-06-2010  07:54 AM         2,084,864 freeimage.dll
11-06-2010  07:54 AM            61,440 prev32.dll
11-06-2010  07:54 AM            61,440 prev32sp.dll
11-06-2010  07:54 AM               365 rc2dll32.bat
11-06-2010  07:54 AM               340 screen32.c
11-06-2010  07:54 AM            46,080 screen32.dll
11-06-2010  07:54 AM             1,701 screens.txt
               9 File(s)      2,257,475 bytes

Possible that the installation could be incomplete. I shall reinstall again and confirm.

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 5:58 am
by nageswaragunupudi
I installed fwh 10.6 once again after deleting c:\fwh folder. Still the \fwh\dll folder does not contain fwdbg.dll.

But I observed a peculiar thing while installing FWH.EXE on my Windows-7 (32 bit ) computer. After installing, this message appeared on the screen:


I clicked "Reinstall using recommended options". It reinstalled once again, this time with no complaints.

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:56 pm
by James Bott
it means that a linked OBJ has been compiled used /B.

I suppose it could be that one of the FWH source files was linked with the /B parameter. And perhaps is it only rarely used so it doesn't always generate the error.


Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 2:34 pm
by Carles
Hi friends,

If the program is trying to load the fwdbg.dll, is there any prg module that was compiled with the flag /b. When it is executed generates an internal entry in the debugger module. It's true, we could solve this type of errors simply blocking the message, but this does not mean that every time the system enters the debugger and go out again without our notice, but this process would produce internally. I think it is not the right solution. The correct solution is re-compiled all modules without /b (i think...)

Nageswaragunupudi, fwdbg.dll exist in .\samples folder. Maybe the most correct is that it shouldd be in the folder .\dll

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 3:33 pm
by TimStone
It might be a 3rd party library. When I reported the problem, the person who gave me the files does not use the /B on any files and was also not using FWH. It may have been a FWH newer version that became sensitive to this problem. I don't use /B and I also have very little in the way of 3rd party files that I don't rebuild myself.

Re: Can we turn off FWDbg ? No .dll found !

PostPosted: Tue Jul 13, 2010 8:09 pm
by Carles

I'm sorry but I don't agree with this assertion. I think that FWDbg is part of FWH, but anyway this is not my decision. Anyway, we must find a solution. You can easily add this line of code and we can see the message which module has the call from the debugger and rebuild it again here if needed.

FWDbg.prg -> line 205
Code: Select all  Expand view
MsgStop( ::cResFile + " not found, imposible to continue" + CRLF + CRLF + ;
         "Entry Point: " + ProcFile(2) + ' -> '          + ;
                           ProcName(2) + '('             + ;
                           Ltrim(Str(ProcLine(2))) + ')' , ;
         "FWH Debugger Error" )

I tried to execute without FWdbg.dll and the result is:


I insist that we must find the right solution. So far I have found only users who have encountered problems using UE, and is simply a compilation error flags. You can try this solution to see if it can help fix this?