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Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:35 pm
by ukservice
Please, where I cand download the latest source to test it?.

Thank you.

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:57 pm
by Silvio
in this post

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:59 pm
by Silvio
for the method METHOD RButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags ) I made
someone Know How insert check to menu popup please ?

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:40 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil
Silvio wrote:For all :

New two methods to insert to CLASS TCalEx

METHOD RButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )

it create a simply menu popup with these operation

call a function to insert or modifiy a record
Set a date
Go to a date
set Interval

as you can see on this picture


Write YOur impressions!!

Code: Select all  Expand view

  METHOD RButtonDown( nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags )  CLASS TCalEx

     Local oMenu
     Local oThis  := self

     if ::Classname() != "TDAYVIEW" .or. ::Classname() != "TWEEKVIEW"

 if ::bRClicked != nil
   return Eval( ::bRClicked, nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags, Self )

MENUITEM "New appointment" ACTION msginfo("New Record")
MENUITEM "Today"           ACTION (::SetDate( date() )   ,::oDayView:refresh())
MENUITEM "Go to date "     ACTION (::GotoDate(nRow, nCol) ,::oDayView:refresh())

MENUITEM "Interval"
   MENUITEM "5 minutes"   ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 5 )  ,::oDayView:refresh())
   MENUITEM "10 minutes"  ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 10 ) ,::oDayView:refresh())
   MENUITEM "15 minutes"  ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 15 ) ,::oDayView:refresh())
   MENUITEM "20 minutes"  ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 20 ) ,::oDayView:refresh())
   MENUITEM "30 minutes"  ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 30 ) ,::oDayView:refresh())
   MENUITEM "60 minutes"  ACTION (::oDayView:SetInterval( 60 ) ,::oDayView:refresh())
ACTIVATE POPUP oMenu OF oThis AT nRow, nCol

return nil

#include ""

 METHOD GotoDate()   CLASS TCalEx     //add by silvio
   LOCAL oDlg, oGet, lChg:=.F. ,oBut[2]
   LOCAL dDate:=Date()
   DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 210,80  TITLE "Go to a date"
   @ 0.8,2  DTPICKER  oGet VAR dDate  OF oDlg  SIZE 80,10;
                    ON CHANGE oGet:Refresh()
     @ 0.2, 2 SAY "Select a new date"   OF oDlg  SIZE 80,7
     @  28,    2 BUTTON oBut[1]   Prompt "&Confirm"   SIZE  30,  10 PIXEL OF oDlg ACTION (lChg:=.T.,oDlg:End())
     @  28,  35 BUTTON oBut[2]   Prompt "Ca&ncel"   SIZE  30,  10 PIXEL OF oDlg ACTION (lChg:=.F.,oDlg:End()) CANCEL
   IF lChg

Sorry, but i don't like...
i think, we dont need inside the class a popup... it's responsibility of programmers, call custom process after push "right button", same way "left button"
i leave the code until
Code: Select all  Expand view
 if ::bRClicked != nil
   return Eval( ::bRClicked, nRow, nCol, nKeyFlags, Self )

if the program is write in french, italian or spanish... we can not use this feature (understand?)

really should say you, THANKS, you 're unique try modify and share code of this powerful class

i will post a new sample (without source code)

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:44 pm
by Silvio
ok Daniel
it was only a test If you see Microsoft Outlook and go to a day view click on r button you can see a popup
I think we can leave "the setinterval menu", gotodate, set date

Important first - Can you found a solution for insert and modify a record and the possibility to select from x time to y time with mouse

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:53 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

it's a new sample, new features

download sample here:

created xbase command,
Code: Select all  Expand view

#xcommand DEFINE CALEX <oCalex>;
          [ <of: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG, PANEL> <oWnd> ];
          [ FIRST_DATE <nFirst> ];
       => ;
           [ Calex_SetFirstDate( <nFirst> ) ];;
           <oCalex> := TCalex():New( <oWnd> )

#xcommand DEFINE MONTH [ VIEW ] <of: OF, CALEX> <oCalex>;
          [ ON SELECT VIEW <uSelectView> ] ;
          [ ON SELECT DAY <uSelected> ] ;
          [ ON SELECT WEEK <uWeek> ] ;
          [ ON NEXT <uNext> ] ;
          [ ON PREV <uPrev> ] ;
          [ ON DELETE <uDelete> ];
          [ START HOUR <nStart> ];
          [ END HOUR <nEnd> ];
          [ <lActivate: ACTIVATE> ];
       => ;
          WITH OBJECT <oCalex>;;
             [ :oMonthView:bSelectView   := \{ | Self, oLast| <uSelectView> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:bSelected     := \{ | Self, dDate| <uSelected> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:bSelectedWeek := \{ | Self, nWeek, dDate | <uWeek> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:bOnNext       := \{ | Self, dDate| <uNext> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:bOnPrev       := \{ | Self, dDate| <uPrev> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:bOnDelete     := \{ | Self, nIdx | <uDelete> \} ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:nStartHour    := <nStart> ] ;;
             [ :oMonthView:nEndHour      := <nEnd> ];;
             [ If( <.lActivate.>, :SetMonthView(), ) ];;
          END <oCalex>
#xcommand DEFINE DAY [ VIEW ] <of: OF, CALEX> <oCalex>;
          [ ON SELECT VIEW <uSelectView> ] ;
          [ ON LEFT CLICK <uSelected> ] ;
          [ ON RIGHT CLICK <uRSelected> ];          
          [ ON NEXT <uNext> ] ;
          [ ON DELETE <uDelete> ];
          [ ON PREV <uPrev> ] ;
          [ START HOUR <nStart> ];
          [ END HOUR <nEnd> ];
          [ INTERVAL <nInterval> ];
          [ AMPM <lAmPm> ];
          [ <lActivate: ACTIVATE> ];
       => ;
          WITH OBJECT <oCalex>;;
             [ :oDayView:bSelected     := \{ | nRow, nCol, Self, dDateFrom, nTimeFrom, nTimeTo | <uSelected> \} ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:bSelectView   := \{ | Self, oLast| <uSelectView> \} ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:bOnNext       := \{ | Self, dDate| <uNext> \} ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:bOnPrev       := \{ | Self, dDate| <uPrev> \} ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:bOnDelete   := \{ | Self, nIdx | <uDelete> \} ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:bRSelected    := \{ | nRow, nCol, Self, dDateFrom, dDateTo, nTimeFrom, nTimeTo | <uRSelected> \} ] ;;            
             [ :oDayView:nStartHour    := <nStart> ] ;;
             [ :oDayView:nEndHour      := <nEnd> ];;
             [ :oDayView:SetInterval( <nInterval> ) ];;
             [ :oDayView:lAmPm         := <.lAmPm.> ];;
             [ If( <.lActivate.>, :SetDayView(), ) ];;
          END <oCalex>          

#xcommand DEFINE WEEK [ VIEW ] <of: OF, CALEX> <oCalex>;
          [ ON SELECT VIEW <uSelectView> ] ;
          [ ON LEFT CLICK <uSelected> ] ;
          [ ON RIGHT CLICK <uRSelected> ];
          [ ON NEXT <uNext> ] ;
          [ ON PREV <uPrev> ] ;
          [ ON DELETE <uDelete> ];
          [ START HOUR <nStart> ];
          [ END HOUR <nEnd> ];
          [ INTERVAL <nInterval> ];
          [ AMPM <lAmPm> ];
          [ <lActivate: ACTIVATE> ];
       => ;
          WITH OBJECT <oCalex>;;
             [ :oWeekView:bSelected     := \{ | nRow, nCol, Self, dDateFrom, dDateTo, nTimeFrom, nTimeTo | <uSelected> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:bSelectView   := \{ | Self, oLast | <uSelectView> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:bOnNext       := \{ | Self, dDate | <uNext> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:bOnPrev       := \{ | Self, dDate | <uPrev> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:bRSelected    := \{ | nRow, nCol, Self, dDateFrom, dDateTo, nTimeFrom, nTimeTo | <uRSelected> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:bOnDelete     := \{ | Self, nIdx | <uDelete> \} ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:nStartHour    := <nStart> ] ;;
             [ :oWeekView:nEndHour      := <nEnd> ];;
             [ :oWeekView:SetInterval( <nInterval> ) ];;
             [ :oWeekView:lAmPm         := <.lAmPm.> ];;
             [ If( <.lActivate.>, ( :SetWeekView(), :Resize() ), ) ];;
          END <oCalex>          

select multiple rows

adding data, launch action with Right Button

Select all day, click in header

select / action over "dates" (delete/modify)

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 3:59 pm
by Silvio
fantastic !!!
on zip there is not the sources of classes modified!!!!!!!

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 5:05 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

Daniel Garcia-Gil wrote:i will post a new sample (without source code)

i will no share source code (no yet), maybe i will post a LIB

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 9:25 pm
by ukservice

Do you sell the source or it will be included in FW?

Thank you.

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 7:36 pm
by Andrés González
Daniel, please just the METHOD Calex_SetFirstDate( nFirst ) to follow your sample.
Code: Select all  Expand view
#xcommand DEFINE CALEX <oCalex>;
          [ <of: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG, PANEL> <oWnd> ];
          [ FIRST_DATE <nFirst> ];
       => ;
           [ Calex_SetFirstDate( <nFirst> ) ];;
           <oCalex> := TCalex():New( <oWnd> )


Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:32 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

Calex_SetFirstDate( nFirst ) is not a method is a function to set first date of week, only work to calex project

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 8:34 pm
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

this a link to download library... (i didnt tested with xharbour)

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 8:20 am
by Silvio
How I can translate the names of the days and mounths ?

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:09 am
by Silvio
with xharbour not run

Progetto: main, Ambiente: xFive_Pelles:
[1]:iLink32.Exe -Gn -aa -Tpe -s @main.bcl
Turbo Incremental Link 5.69 Copyright (c) 1997-2005 Borland
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___CLSLOCKDEF' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tcalex
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HASH' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tcalex
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN___CLSUNLOCKDEF' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tcalex
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HHASKEY' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tmonthv
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HGET' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tmonthv
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HSET' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tmonthv
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_FW_GT' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tmonthv
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HDEL' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tcalex
Error: Unresolved external '_HB_FUN_HB_HEVAL' referenced from C:\WORK\PRG\AGENDA\LIB\CALEXX.LIB|tcalex

Re: Outlook Calendar (prototype)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 08, 2011 9:38 am
by Daniel Garcia-Gil

Link fixed... download again