set spinner on combobox

set spinner on combobox

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:54 pm


when the user change the second combobox , the procedure must change the value of the tget

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      @ 480,630 COMBOBOX oCbx3 Var cFormazione ITEMS aFormazione ;
             SIZE 120,70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18
       @ 510,630 COMBOBOX oCbx4 Var cCalcolo ITEMS aCalcolo ;
             SIZE 120,70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18 ;
             ON CHANGE ( [b]ResetValore[/b](oCbx3:nAt,oCbx4:nAt, @nValore,aGet) )
       @ 540,630 GET aGet[8] var nValore SIZE 100,20 PIXEL RIGHT OF oDlg  SPINNER MIN 1 MAX 90

Function ResetValore(nForma,nMetodo, nValore,oControls)

     IF nForma= 1 .and. nMetodo= 3
        nValore:= 3
     *  oControls[8]:bMin := 3

     elseif nForma= 2 .and. nMetodo= 3
        nValore:= 6
       * oControls[8]:bMin := 6
   return nil

How I can to set MIN and MAX ? ( I must change only the value of MIN
I tried with oControls[8]:bMin := 3 and make error
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby karinha » Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:31 pm

Mire en \samples\XBRCALEN.PRG si le ayuda. No entiendo muy bien lo que quieres hacer. Un ejemplo completo siempre es bienvenido para las críticas.

Look in \samples\XBRCALEN.PRG if it helps. I don't quite understand what you want to do. A complete example is always welcome for criticism.

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:03 pm

karinha wrote:Mire en \samples\XBRCALEN.PRG si le ayuda. No entiendo muy bien lo que quieres hacer. Un ejemplo completo siempre es bienvenido para las críticas.

Look in \samples\XBRCALEN.PRG if it helps. I don't quite understand what you want to do. A complete example is always welcome for criticism.

Regards, saludos.

in fact I understood that you did not understand
Is simple
if the first combo is 1 and the second is 3 the value in the get must be 3 as the min value and 90 as the max
if the first combo is 2 and the second is 3 the value in the get must be 6 as the min value and 90 as the max

here is a little test, obviously it changes the value of the get but if the user presses the spinner he could put the value 1 instead of three or six
I wanted to block the minimum value

Code: Select all  Expand view
#include ""
#include ""

Function test()
local oDlg, oBrw, oFont, oBold, oFontGet
local nBottom   := 44
local nRight    := 98
local nWidth    := Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
local nHeight   := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H

local aGet:=array(10)
local oSay:=array(20)
local aFormazione:={"apples","bananas"}
local cFormazione:= "apples"
local aCalcolo:={"method 1","method 2",;
                 "method 3","method 4"}
local cCalcolo := "method 1"
local oCbx3
local nValore:= 1
local oCbx4

 DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE  nWidth, nHeight  ;
   TiTle " Test"

     @ 480,510 SAY oSay[9] PROMPT "Fruit :" SIZE 80,20 PIXEL OF oDlg
     @ 510,510 SAY oSay[10] PROMPT "Method :" SIZE 80,20 PIXEL OF oDlg
     @ 540,510 SAY oSay[11] PROMPT "Value :" SIZE 80,20 PIXEL OF oDlg

       @ 480,630 COMBOBOX oCbx3 Var cFormazione ITEMS aFormazione ;
             SIZE 120,70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18  ;
              ON CHANGE ( ResetValore(oCbx3:nAt,oCbx4:nAt, @nValore,aGet) )
       @ 510,630 COMBOBOX oCbx4 Var cCalcolo ITEMS aCalcolo ;
             SIZE 120,70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18 ;
             ON CHANGE ( ResetValore(oCbx3:nAt,oCbx4:nAt, @nValore,aGet) )
       @ 540,630 GET aGet[8] var nValore SIZE 100,20 PIXEL RIGHT OF oDlg  SPINNER MIN 1 MAX 90

return nil

Function ResetValore(nForma,nMetodo, nValore,oControls)
   Do case
    case nForma= 1 .and. nMetodo= 3
        nValore:= 3
    case nForma= 2 .and. nMetodo= 3
       nValore:= 6
       nValore:= 1

   return nil
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby karinha » Mon Oct 31, 2022 11:31 pm

Caro Silvio, mira se yuda:

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// \SAMPLES\SETSPINN.PRG - By Silvio Falconi.

#include ""
#include ""


   LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, oFont, oBold, oFontGet
   LOCAL nBottom   := 44
   LOCAL nRight    := 98
   LOCAL nWidth    := Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
   LOCAL nHeight   := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H
   LOCAL aGet := ARRAY( 10 )
   LOCAL oSay := ARRAY( 20 )
   LOCAL aFormazione := { "apples", "bananas" }
   LOCAL cFormazione := "apples"
   LOCAL aCalcolo := { "method 1", "method 2", "method 3", "method 4" }
   LOCAL cCalcolo := "method 1"
   LOCAL oCbx3
   LOCAL nValore := 1
   LOCAL oCbx4

      TiTle " Test"

   oDlg:lHelpIcon := .F.

   @ 480, 510 SAY oSay[9] PROMPT "Fruit :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 510, 510 SAY oSay[10] PROMPT "Method :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 540, 510 SAY oSay[11] PROMPT "Value :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 480, 630 COMBOBOX oCbx3 Var cFormazione ITEMS aFormazione ;
      SIZE 120, 70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18                  ;
        ON CHANGE ( ResetValore( oCbx3:nAt, oCbx4:nAt, @nValore,aGet ) )

   @ 510, 630 COMBOBOX oCbx4 Var cCalcolo ITEMS aCalcolo ;
      SIZE 120, 70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18            ;
      ON CHANGE( ResetValore( oCbx3:nAt, oCbx4:nAt, @nValore, aGet ) )

   @ 540, 630 GET aGet[8] VAR nValore SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL RIGHT OF oDlg ;
      SPINNER MIN 1 MAX 90 UPDATE                                      ;
      VALID( nValore >= 1 .AND. nValore <= 90 )



FUNCTION ResetValore( nForma, nMetodo, nValore, oControls )

   CASE nForma = 1 .AND. nMetodo = 3

      nValore := 3

   CASE nForma = 2 .AND. nMetodo = 3

      nValore := 6


      nValore := 1


   IF( nValore >= 1 .AND. nValore <= 90 )

      oControls[8]:VARPUT( nValore )

   ELSE  // aGet[8]

      nValore := 0

      oControls[8]:VARPUT( nValore )



// FIN / END

Regards, saludos.
João Santos - São Paulo - Brasil - Phone: +55(11)95150-7341
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby Jimmy » Tue Nov 01, 2022 3:56 am

hi Silvio,

i would try aGet[8]:bMin
Code: Select all  Expand view
METHOD Spinner( bUp, bDown, bMin, bMax ) CLASS TGet

   If ::lReadOnly
      return nil

   ::bMin := bMin
   ::bMax := bMax
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:22 am

karinha wrote:Caro Silvio, mira se yuda:

Code: Select all  Expand view

// \SAMPLES\SETSPINN.PRG - By Silvio Falconi.

#include ""
#include ""


   LOCAL oDlg, oBrw, oFont, oBold, oFontGet
   LOCAL nBottom   := 44
   LOCAL nRight    := 98
   LOCAL nWidth    := Max( nRight * DLG_CHARPIX_W, 180 )
   LOCAL nHeight   := nBottom * DLG_CHARPIX_H
   LOCAL aGet := ARRAY( 10 )
   LOCAL oSay := ARRAY( 20 )
   LOCAL aFormazione := { "apples", "bananas" }
   LOCAL cFormazione := "apples"
   LOCAL aCalcolo := { "method 1", "method 2", "method 3", "method 4" }
   LOCAL cCalcolo := "method 1"
   LOCAL oCbx3
   LOCAL nValore := 1
   LOCAL oCbx4

      TiTle " Test"

   oDlg:lHelpIcon := .F.

   @ 480, 510 SAY oSay[9] PROMPT "Fruit :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 510, 510 SAY oSay[10] PROMPT "Method :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 540, 510 SAY oSay[11] PROMPT "Value :" SIZE 80, 20 PIXEL OF oDlg

   @ 480, 630 COMBOBOX oCbx3 Var cFormazione ITEMS aFormazione ;
      SIZE 120, 70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18                  ;
        ON CHANGE ( ResetValore( oCbx3:nAt, oCbx4:nAt, @nValore,aGet ) )

   @ 510, 630 COMBOBOX oCbx4 Var cCalcolo ITEMS aCalcolo ;
      SIZE 120, 70 PIXEL OF oDlg HEIGHTGET 18            ;
      ON CHANGE( ResetValore( oCbx3:nAt, oCbx4:nAt, @nValore, aGet ) )

   @ 540, 630 GET aGet[8] VAR nValore SIZE 100, 20 PIXEL RIGHT OF oDlg ;
      SPINNER MIN 1 MAX 90 UPDATE                                      ;
      VALID( nValore >= 1 .AND. nValore <= 90 )



FUNCTION ResetValore( nForma, nMetodo, nValore, oControls )

   CASE nForma = 1 .AND. nMetodo = 3

      nValore := 3

   CASE nForma = 2 .AND. nMetodo = 3

      nValore := 6


      nValore := 1


   IF( nValore >= 1 .AND. nValore <= 90 )

      oControls[8]:VARPUT( nValore )

   ELSE  // aGet[8]

      nValore := 0

      oControls[8]:VARPUT( nValore )



// FIN / END

Regards, saludos.

No not run

if the user changes the value back to 1 when the minimum is 3 or 6 the procedure could crash because I'll explain for example if we analyze the sequences
1-2 adds up to 3 this when it comes to sequences with two numbers
1-2-3 the minimum sum is 6 this when it concerns the sequences with three numbers
if the user changes and puts 1 the procedure will never be able to create an array in which the summed sequences make 1 and therefore could crash the program making an error
I think I have explained the problem well
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby Cgallegoa » Wed Nov 02, 2022 5:33 pm


Code: Select all  Expand view
Function ResetValore(nForma,nMetodo, nValore,oControls)
   Do case
      case nForma= 1 .and. nMetodo= 3
          nValore:= 3
      case nForma= 2 .and. nMetodo= 3
          nValore:= 6
          nValore:= 1

  // ***** This do the trick ***** //
    oControls[8]:bMin := {|| nValore } 

return nil

Carlos Gallego

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Re: set spinner on combobox

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Wed Nov 02, 2022 7:14 pm

Cgallegoa wrote:Silvio:

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Function ResetValore(nForma,nMetodo, nValore,oControls)
   Do case
      case nForma= 1 .and. nMetodo= 3
          nValore:= 3
      case nForma= 2 .and. nMetodo= 3
          nValore:= 6
          nValore:= 1

  // ***** This do the trick ***** //
    oControls[8]:bMin := {|| nValore } 

return nil

Thanks I had already tried ... but there is a problem !! If the procedure tells the tget that bMin: = {|| nValue}, changes the value ok. if the user increases and then decreases it does not return to the minimum number

perhaps with a video I try to understand the problem


ie if the user presses the down arrow he cannot decrease the value

the user can initially decrease or increase the value in the get by pressing the spinner buttons,

once the ResetValore() function has set the minimum value the user can only increase the value, and cannot return back
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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