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FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 1:37 am
by George
Does anybody experienced with Fingerprint reader from microsotf.
Any Class or software to help to integrate this hardware into xHarbour/Fivewin programs?


PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:11 pm
by Taiwan
Hello George,

I have a solution for it and not use Miscrosoft's product.
I use some Fingerprint and make LIB myself.
If you have any question for it,please let me know you want.


Richard Taiwan

PostPosted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:19 pm
by George
Hi Richard

I would like to integrate Fingerprint recognition in a software that I am
If possible, please send me any information about your experience, your
library, and the hardware that are you using to integrate this device in a xHarbour/Fivewin language. Basically I need to read the fingerprint and use this info like unique key to access a database to bring the customer information. If you like to send a me a private message my email is



PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:58 am
by Taiwan
Hello George

Yes, I have sample(MySQL) to check database from Fingerprint.
I use xHarbour 0.99.4+FWH26+BCC55
I can't send sample file to you,because it need Fingerprint device.
Maybe I can show some screen shot to you.



PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 3:13 pm
by George
Hi Richard

I am using xHarbour Builder Feb 05 + FWH2.5 with DBF database, but will be interesting to move into MySQL.
I just bought Microsoft Fingerprint reader, it is a inexpensive (US$50.00) device. Maybe your MySQL sample and your screenshot can help me to integrate this device into my application. Do you have (or know) any LIB or DLL that can be used with xHarbour + FWH to support your Fingerprint Reader?
What Fingerprint Reader brand and model are you using?
How many records access your application?
Area you sastified with the access time to your database?
Do you think that this device can be used in peer to peer network accesing 20,000 records?

Richard thanks for your feedback



PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:27 am
by Taiwan
Hello George,

Do you have (or know) any LIB or DLL that can be used with xHarbour + FWH to support your Fingerprint Reader?

Yes, I make LIB to support my Fingerprint Reader.

What Fingerprint Reader brand and model are you using?

I use it from Korea product.

How many records access your application?

You know use Fingerprint Reader for Security or other program, so I have 50 records to used.

Area you sastified with the access time to your database?

Yes,very nice.

Do you think that this device can be used in peer to peer network accesing 20,000 records?

No problem.



PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 11:02 pm
by Taiwan
Hello ... N.rar.html

I attach file include Fingerprint picture and sample code.
you can buy Fingerprint package for developer.
One small Fingerprint + One Fingerprint LIB file



Re: FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Thu Jun 18, 2015 8:43 am
by nnicanor

Can you sendme a link to download your solution for fingerprint, link does not exist.


Re: FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 3:46 am
by HunterEC

I'm interested in your fingerprint solution. Can you provide a demo and what fingerprint scanner to use ? Thank you very much !

Re: FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:24 am
by richard-service
Dear Nicanor,HunterEC

Yes, I have a solution. Please give me your EMail address and send to your.

Re: FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:31 am
by lucasdebeltran

I am interested too.

Re: FingerPrint Reader

PostPosted: Mon Jun 22, 2015 6:44 am
by richard-service
Dear All,

Please contact to Charles, charles at fivetech dot net