I searched for these two logfile-messages, but couldn't find the reason and where they come from.
There are three fonts defined at startup ( public ) and NO fonts destroyed inside the program.
Closing the program from the main-dialog nothing happens only after opening the second dialog going back and close.
It doesn' make any error but I would like to disable these messages for the final release.
11/30/17 16:18:52: EXCESS RELEASE OF FONT Arial[ hFont : 0] ( nCount : 0 )
11/30/17 16:18:52: EXCESS RELEASE OF FONT Arial[ hFont : 0] ( nCount : -1 )
I disabled the xBrowse-fonts and now I got only one message different from above !!!
11/30/17 18:27:29: EXCESS RELEASE OF FONT Arial[ hFont : 0] ( nCount : 0 )
any idea to get exact infos what could be the reason or a point where to start searching ?
all buttons are normal defined like :
REDEFINE BTNBMP oBtn[6] ID 50 OF oDlgSetup ;
FILENAME c_path1 + "Exit.Bmp" ;
ACTION oDlgSetup:End() ;
TOOLTIP { "Exit" + CRLF + "Setup","EXIT", 1, CLR_BLACK, 14089979 } ;
PROMPT " &Exit " ;
GRADIENT { | lMouseOver | If( ! lMouseOver,;
{ { 0.50, 13356031, 16777215 }, ;
{ 0.50, 16777215, 13356031 } }, ;
{ { 0.50, 16761992, 16777215 }, ;
{ 0.50, 16777215, 16761992 } } ) }
oBtn[6]:nClrText := { |lMouseOver, oBtn| If( lMouseOver, 255, 0 ) }
NO logfile is written closing the program without opening dialog 2 < Setup >
A logfile is created opening dialog two going back and close
![Question :?:](./images/smilies/icon_question.gif)