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Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:57 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
From the above error, it appears that ADORDD is internally generating an SQL statement "SELECT * FROM " + <tablename> to open the record set.

Instead oRs:Open( <tablename>, oCn, cursortype, locktype, adCmdTable ) // 5th parameter adCmdTable

In that rare occasion when the provider supports "scrollable server-side cursor", then adCmdTableDirect may be used after setting the cursor location to adUseServer and CursorType as adDynamic. In such cases the provider might even support adSeek
In this case we need to adopt workarounds for recordcount()

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:00 pm
by James Bott

I am running Win 8.1 x64. I'm using the latest xHarbour and FWH.

The complete error is shown in a previous message. It is failing to open the table.

Please send me your working EXE so I can try it here.


Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:08 pm
by lucasdebeltran

I sent you a zip file with an exe so as to retreive full error.log and check error.

Here you also have it: ... zO___.html

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:22 pm
by James Bott

OK, I was linking in adordd.lib and you were using #include "adordd.prg." When I changed to your syntax, it worked. Perhaps I need to move the lib location in the buildx.bat file?


Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 6:35 pm
by lucasdebeltran

Try to put the adordd.lib as the first lib.

Or maybe there is something wrong at the lib.

Glad you get it working.

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:58 pm
by vilian
Hi Guys,
I'm trying to test ADORDD, but when i compile the adordd.prg, appear these errors:
Code: Select all  Expand view

ADORDD.PRG(288) Error E0020  Incomplete statement or unbalanced delimiters
ADORDD.PRG(291) Error E0020  Incomplete statement or unbalanced delimiters
ADORDD.PRG(295) Error E0010  ENDIF does not match IF
ADORDD.PRG(363) Error E0020  Incomplete statement or unbalanced delimiters
ADORDD.PRG(424) Error E0020  Incomplete statement or unbalanced delimiters
ADORDD.PRG(428) Error E0030  Syntax error "syntax error at 'END'"

I'm using FW/Harbour and get the adordd.prg from

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:15 pm
by James Bott

From your errors, it appears that Harbour doesn't support the TRY/CATCH/END commands. Or, maybe you need to #include another file.

I am using xHarbour and I don't get any errors.


Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:20 pm
by James Bott

Try to put ADORDD.LIB as the first lib.

Good guess, that worked. Before I had it as the last library.


Code: Select all  Expand view
echo %bcdir%\lib\c0w32.obj + > b32.bc
echo adordd.lib + >> b32.bc

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:14 pm
by vilian
Thanks James,
I included the, and only rest some warnings:

Code: Select all  Expand view

adordd.prg(4471) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'LRET'
adordd.prg(4476) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'LRET'
adordd.prg(4481) Warning W0001  Ambiguous reference 'LRET' Warning W0002  Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define CRLF
adordd.prg(5442) Warning W0002  Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define UR_FI_FLAGS
adordd.prg(5443) Warning W0002  Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define UR_FI_STEP
adordd.prg(5444) Warning W0002  Redefinition or duplicate definition of #define UR_FI_SIZE

How can i solve this? Does it have a library for harbour?

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:24 pm
by James Bott

I don't know why you are getting the lRet as being ambiguous since it is defined as a LOCAL. They do happen to be within the TRY/END sequence so I wonder if that isn't still an issue.

The other warnings I wouldn't worry about.

You can build your own lib using Borland's TLIB.EXE, or just add the prg to your app.


Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 10:21 am
by lucasdebeltran

You can safely ignore such warnings.

They are from functions under development.

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 11:58 am
by vilian
Thanks Lucas,

Now, when i try open a file appear this error:

(DOS error -2147352567) WINOLE/1007 Operation not allowed when the objeto has closed(0x800A0E78) ADODB.Connection

I'm trying to use ADORDD with MariaDb.

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:19 pm
by lucasdebeltran

We tested with Access, MySQL and MSSQL.

With the above, its working pretty good.

Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 12:32 pm
by James Bott

It appears that MariaDB is not yet supported. However, take a look at the ADOOPENCONNECT Method of the ADORDD.PRG and you will see how the various SQL databases are opened. Maybe you can create your own CASE statement for the MariaDB. Let us know if that works.

Alternately, you could just try getting up and running with the ACCESS Northwind.mdb as I have done. Then once you have that figured out you could proceed to trying to get the MariaDB going too.


Re: ADO RDD xHarbour

PostPosted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 3:19 pm
by vilian

With MariaDb don´t work. I changed to MySql and now i have this error:

Code: Select all  Expand view

   Error description: (DOS Error -2147352567) WINOLE/1007  [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Name of database font not find (0x80004005): Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers
     [   1] = C   Driver={mySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};server=localhost;Port=3306;Option=32;database=vfatec;uid=root;pwd=vfatec;

Stack Calls
   Called from:  => TOLEAUTO:OPEN( 0 )
   Called from: \tec2000\SGV90\ADORDD.PRG => ADOOPENCONNECT( 474 )
   Called from: \tec2000\SGV90\ADORDD.PRG => ADOGETCONNECT( 5238 )
   Called from: \tec2000\SGV90\ADORDD.PRG => ADODEFAULTS( 5218 )
   Called from: tempresa.prg => TSISTEMA:NEW( 400 )
   Called from: \tec2000\SGV90\SGV.PRG => START( 175 )

I need to install anymore thing ?