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PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 3:52 pm
by wpacheco
Dear friends:

I was looking some post here and found an Antonio suggest that says we can read the MAP file if we've get memory address error. My app is showing an error at the 0x0045e47f memory address. In the MAP file the closer lines are:

0001:00045EEC _hb_macroTextValue
0001:00045EEC _hb_macroTextValue

I know what the error is and its cause, but the question is why the ErrorSys procedure isn't catching the errors and only get this dialog error that end the app suddenly.

Thanks for your comments

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2006 10:47 pm
by Antonio Linares

Are you building harbour/xharbour yourself ? If so please use -DHB_INCLUDE_WINEXCHANDLER

You should get a calls stack Msg on the screen.

Do you have a sample to reproduce the problem ?

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 1:22 am
by wpacheco
Well my friends

I found the problem source. Some piece of code from a fivewin contributor I'm using, declare a new error object like this

bNewError := {|oError| ErrorHandler(oError,.T.) }
bOldError := Errorblock(bNewError)

I forget to restore the old error object


and you know... two weeks with a headache...

Now I smile of my fault

Thanks Antonio and everybody