SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Sun Oct 30, 2022 6:14 am


i want use SPLITTER

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     @ 0, (nWidth/2)-10 SPLITTER oSplit ;
      VERTICAL ;
      HINDS CONTROLS oTab_Right ;
      LEFT MARGIN   0 ;
      RIGHT MARGIN 80 ;
      SIZE 4, nHeight PIXEL ;
      OF oMain STYLE

both Side have a TFolder() but how to "resize" it when Client Area change Size :?:

... or do i need a Window" on Client Area :?:
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Mon Oct 31, 2022 5:12 am


i found Method AdjClient() which "seems" to do the Job

but how to call it :?:
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     @  0, nWidth/2 SPLITTER oSplit ;
              VERTICAL ;
              PREVIOUS CONTROLS oTab_Left ;
              HINDS CONTROLS oTab_Right ;
              LEFT MARGIN 0 ;
              RIGHT MARGIN 80 ;
              SIZE 4, nHeight PIXEL ;
              OF oMain STYLE
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 31, 2022 7:03 am

Dear Jimmy,

oMain:bResized = { || oMain:oClient:Adjclient() }
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:25 am

hi Antonio,
Antonio Linares wrote:oMain:bResized = { || oMain:oClient:Adjclient() }

ok, thx
but how to resize Child Control "on Area" :?:

have 2 x TFolder() and on its "Area" are some Control
when use SPLITTER i can "see" that "Area" of TFolder() resize but not Control on "Area"


what is when "maximize" Windows :?:
it "seems" me that SPLITTER will not "notice" new Size.
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Antonio Linares » Mon Oct 31, 2022 1:42 pm

Dear Jimmy,

Here you have a working example:
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#include "FiveWin.ch"
#include "Splitter.ch"

function Main()

   local oWnd, oFld1, oFld2, oSplit


   @ 0, 0 FOLDER oFld1 PROMPTS "Left" SIZE 270, 200
   @ 0, oWnd:nWidth/2 + 5 FOLDER oFld2 PROMPTS "Right" PIXEL

   @  0, oWnd:nWidth/2 SPLITTER oSplit ;
      VERTICAL ;
      HINDS CONTROLS oFld2 ;
      LEFT MARGIN 100 ;
      RIGHT MARGIN 0 ;
      SIZE 4, oWnd:nHeight PIXEL ;
      OF oWnd STYLE

      ON RESIZE ( oSplit:AdjLeft(), oSplit:AdjRight() )

return nil  

You can also review FWH\samples\classtree.prg for using more than one splitter
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Mon Oct 31, 2022 10:17 pm

hi Antonio,

thx for Sample

i begin to realize that i need to re-write my "resize" to use "each" Tfolder() Size for Child on it
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Tue Nov 01, 2022 7:10 am


i try to "resize" SPLITTER Area and want to know Size of each Area
on each Area i have a Control e.g. BUTTON which "full fit" Area

now i want to "resize" and both BUTTON should be also "resize" to "full fit"

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PROCEDURE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit)

// left side
   oCtrol := oSplit:aPrevCtrols[ 1 ]
*   aRect  := GetCoors( oCtrol:hWnd )
*   nWidth  := aRect[4] - aRect[2]
*   nHeight := aRect[3] - aRect[1]

   nWidth  := oCtrol:nWidth
   nHeight := oCtrol:nHeight 

// right side
   oCtrol := oSplit:aHindCtrols[ 1 ]

but Data make no Sense ... :(

here Demo Source
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include   "FiveWin.ch"
#include   "Splitter.ch"

function Main()
local oWnd, oFld1, oFld2, oSplit
local oBtn1, oBtn2


   @ 0, 0 FOLDER oFld1 PROMPTS "Left" SIZE 270, 200
   @ 30, 0 BUTTON oBtn1 SIZE oWnd:nHeight-30, oWnd:nWidth/2 PIXEL OF oFld1

   @ 0, oWnd:nWidth/2 + 5 FOLDER oFld2 PROMPTS "Right" PIXEL
   @ 30, 0 BUTTON oBtn2 SIZE oWnd:nHeight-30, oWnd:nWidth/2 PIXEL OF oFld2

   @ 0, oWnd:nWidth/2 SPLITTER oSplit ;
         VERTICAL ;
         PREVIOUS CONTROLS oFld1 ;
         HINDS CONTROLS oFld2 ;
         LEFT MARGIN   100 ;
         RIGHT MARGIN   0 ;
         SIZE 4, oWnd:nHeight PIXEL ;
         OF oWnd STYLE

        ON RESIZE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit)


PROCEDURE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit)
LOCAL nHeight := oWnd:nHeight
LOCAL nWidth  := oWnd:nWidth
LOCAL oCtrol, aRect

FWLOG "oWnd" ,nWidth,nHeight


   oCtrol := oSplit:aPrevCtrols[ 1 ]
*   aRect  := GetCoors( oCtrol:hWnd )
*   nWidth  := aRect[4] - aRect[2]
*   nHeight := aRect[3] - aRect[1]

   nWidth  := oCtrol:nWidth
   nHeight := oCtrol:nHeight

FWLOG "left" ,nWidth,nHeight,aRect

   oCtrol := oSplit:aHindCtrols[ 1 ]
*   aRect  := GetCoors( oCtrol:hWnd )
*   nWidth  := aRect[4] - aRect[2]
*   nHeight := aRect[3] - aRect[1]

   nWidth  := oCtrol:nWidth
   nHeight := oCtrol:nHeight

FWLOG "Right",nWidth,nHeight,aRect


who can point me the Way please
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Tue Nov 01, 2022 10:50 pm


try Sample "as it is"

try "maximize" or "resize"
try "move" SPLITTER


SPLITTER go from TOP to BUTTOM when "ON RESIZE" is working

when not use "ON RESIZE" you can "see" that Size / Pos is correct

so what i´m doing wrong using SPLITTER :?:


Code: Select all  Expand view
#include   "FiveWin.ch"
#include   "Splitter.ch"

local oWnd, oFld1, oFld2, oSplit, nPart
local oBtn1, oBtn2
LOCAL ii, oBtn0, nCol := 0, aButton := {}
LOCAL bAction := { || MsgInfo( "hello" ) }


   @ 0, 0 FOLDER oFld1 PROMPTS "Left" SIZE 270, oWnd:nHeight-80 PIXEL COLOR CLR_RED,CLR_RED
*  @ 30, 0 BUTTON oBtn1 SIZE oWnd:nHeight-30, oWnd:nWidth/2 PIXEL OF oFld1
   oBtn1 := TButton() :new( 30, 2 , "left", oFld1,, oWnd:nWidth/2 -4, oWnd:nHeight-60,,,, .T. )
   oBtn1:bAction := bAction

   @ 0, oWnd:nWidth/2 + 5 FOLDER oFld2 PROMPTS "Right" SIZE 270, oWnd:nHeight-80 PIXEL COLOR CLR_GREEN,CLR_GREEN
*   @ 30, 0 BUTTON oBtn2 SIZE oWnd:nHeight-30, oWnd:nWidth/2 PIXEL OF oFld2
   oBtn2 := TButton() :new( 30, 2 , "right", oFld2,, oWnd:nWidth/2 -4, oWnd:nHeight-60,,,, .T. )
   oBtn2:bAction := bAction

   @ 0, oWnd:nWidth/2 SPLITTER oSplit ;
         VERTICAL ;
         PREVIOUS CONTROLS oFld1 ;
         HINDS CONTROLS oFld2 ;
         LEFT MARGIN   10 ;
         RIGHT MARGIN   0 ;
         SIZE 8, 8 PIXEL ;
         ON CHANGE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit,oBtn1, oBtn2,aButton) ;
         OF oWnd

   nPart := oWnd:nWidth/12
   FOR ii := 1 TO 12
      oBtn0 := TButton() :new( oWnd:nHeight - 68, nCol, "F"+STRZERO(ii,2), oWnd,, nPart - 4, 20,,,, .T. )
      oBtn0:bAction := bAction

      nCol += nPart

        ON RESIZE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit,oBtn1, oBtn2,aButton) CENTER



Code: Select all  Expand view
PROCEDURE DoResize(oWnd,oSplit,oBtn1, oBtn2,aButton)
LOCAL nHeight := oWnd:nHeight
LOCAL nWidth  := oWnd:nWidth
LOCAL nPart   := oWnd:nWidth/12
LOCAL ii, oBtn, nCol := 0
LOCAL oCtrol, aRect

FWLOG "oWnd",nWidth,nHeight

   oCtrol := oSplit:aPrevCtrols[ 1 ]
   nWidth  := oCtrol:nWidth  -4
   nHeight := oCtrol:nHeight -60

FWLOG "left",nWidth,nHeight,aRect

   oCtrol := oSplit:aHindCtrols[ 1 ]
   nWidth  := oCtrol:nWidth  -4
   nHeight := oCtrol:nHeight -60

FWLOG "Right",nWidth,nHeight,aRect

   FOR ii := 1 TO 12
      aButton[ii]:SetPos(oWnd:nHeight - 68, nCol)
      nCol += nPart
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Thu Nov 03, 2022 1:08 pm


have figure out how SPLITTER work :)
Code: Select all  Expand view
#include   "FiveWin.ch"
#include   "Splitter.ch"

#define ID_TOP       30
#define ID_FXBAR     68

*+    Function Main()


LOCAL oWnd, oFld1, oFld2, oSplit, nPart
LOCAL nHeight, nWidth
LOCAL oBtn1, oBtn2
LOCAL ii, oBtn0, nCol := 0, aButton := {}
LOCAL bAction := { || MsgInfo( "hello Main" ) }

   DEFINE WINDOW oWnd FROM 0, 0 TO 600, 800 PIXEL

      nWidth := oWnd:nWidth / 2
      nHeight := oWnd:nHeight

      oFld1 := TFolder() :New( 0,          0, { "Grid_left1"  },, oWnd, 1,,, .T., .F., nWidth - 5, nHeight - 70 )
      oBtn1 := TButton() :new( ID_TOP, 2, "left" , oFld1, bAction, nWidth - 6, nHeight - 120,,,, .T. )
      oBtn1:bAction := bAction

      oFld2 := TFolder() :New( 0, nWidth + 5, { "Grid_right1" },, oWnd, 1,,, .T., .F., nWidth - 5, nHeight - 70 )
      oBtn2 := TButton() :new( ID_TOP, 2, "right", oFld2, bAction, nWidth - 6, nHeight - 120,,,, .T. )
      oBtn2:bAction := bAction

      nPart := oWnd:nWidth / 12
      FOR ii := 1 TO 12
         oBtn0 := TButton() :new( nHeight - ID_FXBAR, nCol, "F" + STRZERO( ii, 2 ), oWnd, bAction, nPart - 4, 20,,,, .T. )
         nCol += nPart
         AADD( aButton, oBtn0 )

      @ ID_TOP, nWidth - 10 SPLITTER oSplit ;
              VERTICAL ;
              PREVIOUS CONTROLS oFld1 ;
              HINDS    CONTROLS oFld2 ;
              LEFT MARGIN 1 ;
              RIGHT MARGIN 1 ;
              SIZE 8, nHeight - 98 PIXEL ;
              ON CHANGE DoResize( oWnd, oSplit, oFld1, oFld2, oBtn1, oBtn2, aButton ) ;
              COLOR CLR_BLUE ;
              OF oWnd


           ON RESIZE DoResize( oWnd, oSplit, oFld1, oFld2, oBtn1, oBtn2, aButton ) CENTER


*+    Procedure DoResize()
*+    Called from ( split1.prg )   2 - function main()
*+                ( tgrid.prg )   2 - procedure main()
PROCEDURE DoResize( oWnd, oSplit, oFld1, oFld2, oBtn1, oBtn2, aButton )

LOCAL nTop       := oWnd:nTop
LOCAL nBottom    := oWnd:nBottom
LOCAL nRight     := oWnd:nRight
LOCAL nLeft      := oWnd:nLeft
LOCAL nHeight    := nBottom - nTop
LOCAL nPart      := oWnd:nWidth / 12
LOCAL nLeftWidth, nRightWidth
LOCAL ii, oBtn, nCol := 0
LOCAL oCtrol

   // ************************ left *************************

   oSplit:nTop    := ID_TOP
   oSplit:nHeight := nHeight - ID_TOP - ID_FXBAR

   oCtrol := oSplit:aPrevCtrols[ 1 ]
   nLeftWidth     := oCtrol:nWidth

   IF nLeftWidth > oWnd:nWidth
      nLeftWidth  := oWnd:nWidth - 100
      oSplit:SetPosition( nLeftWidth )

   oCtrol:nLeft   := 0
   oCtrol:nRight  := nLeftWidth
   oCtrol:nTop    := ID_TOP
   oCtrol:nBottom := nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 130
   oCtrol:SetSize( nLeftWidth, nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 40 )

   oBtn1:SetPos( ID_TOP, 20 )
   oBtn1:SetSize( nLeftWidth - 40, nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 90 )

   // ************************ right *************************

   oSplit:nTop    := ID_TOP
   oSplit:nHeight := nHeight - ID_TOP - ID_FXBAR

   oCtrol := oSplit:aHindCtrols[ 1 ]
   nRightWidth    := oCtrol:nWidth

   oCtrol:nLeft   := nLeftWidth
   oCtrol:nRight  := nRightWidth
   oCtrol:nTop    := ID_TOP
   oCtrol:nBottom := nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 130
   oCtrol:SetSize( nRightWidth, nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 40 )

   oBtn2:SetPos( ID_TOP, 20 )
   oBtn2:SetSize( nRightWidth - 40, nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 90 )

   // ************************ NEED again *************************

   oFld1:SetPos( ID_TOP, 0 )
   oFld1:SetSize( nLeftWidth, nHeight - ID_FXBAR - 40 )

   // ************************ Fx Buttons *************************

   FOR ii := 1 TO 12
      aButton[ ii ] :SetSize( nPart, 30 )
      aButton[ ii ] :SetPos( oWnd:nHeight - ID_FXBAR, nCol )
      nCol += nPart


but it need a Workaround to work as i want

SPLITTER VERTICAL use "full height" of Window even when attached PREVIOUS / HINDS does not use "full height"
so left Position of PREVIOUS is wrong without Workaround
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 03, 2022 4:07 pm

Dear Jimmy,

many thanks for your great feedback

> but it need a Workaround to work as i want

How should it work ? what is missing ?
regards, saludos

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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Thu Nov 03, 2022 5:02 pm

hi Antonio,

SPLITTER is working IMHO on "hole height" (VERTICAL) and not "relative" to attached Object

in Sample attached Object have TOP := 40 and BOTTOM ;= height - 68 so it is "in Middle" of Window
to "see" what i mean disable these 2 Lines under *** NEED again *** and see what happens

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//     oFld1:  SetPos  ( ID_TOP,   0   )
//     oFld1:  SetSize  ( nLeftWidth, nHeight - ID_FXBAR -   40   )

left FOLDER will be to height ... but i have SET Pos & Size "before" :!:

if press SPLITTER to "move" it will still go to Bottom but i have "limited" to Object "in Middle" of Window


Request :
would be nice to get "Percent" to use that Value to "o:SetPosition()" when "maximize"
use a IMAGE to "paint" SPLITTER
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Antonio Linares » Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:26 pm

Dear Jimmy,

Have you reviewed FWH\samples\classtree.prg ?

I think it is a very good example of working with splitters

Look for splitter in FWH\samples and you will find several examples
regards, saludos

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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:41 pm

hi Antonio,
Antonio Linares wrote:Have you reviewed FWH\samples\classtree.prg ?


Antonio Linares wrote:I think it is a very good example of working with splitters
Look for splitter in FWH\samples and you will find several examples


left Side goes from TOP to BUTTON what i not do while have 12 x BUTTON on Button above STATUSBAR

please run Sample i have made to show where "my" SPLITTER work NOT from TOP until BOTTOM :!:

p.s. can i put a Toolbar on Bottom using Fivewin :?:
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby cnavarro » Thu Nov 03, 2022 7:42 pm

I don't know if I have understood correctly what you need
Jimmy, is this what you need? The resizing of the controls contained on both sides of the splitter ?
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Re: SPLITTER : how to"resize" Client Area

Postby Jimmy » Thu Nov 03, 2022 8:34 pm


cnavarro wrote:I don't know if I have understood correctly what you need

please run Sample i have provide which run fine so far

than edit Source and comment out this 2 lines
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// ************************ NEED again *************************  
    //     oFld1:  SetPos  ( ID_TOP,   0   )
    //     oFld1:  SetSize  ( nLeftWidth, nHeight - ID_FXBAR -   40   )

now you can "see" that left Side begin "on TOP" instead to leave Space (for Combobox) before FOLDER begin
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