Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby max » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:18 pm

I Always use "append from" for import and "copy to" for export files from/to disk, but this commands doesn't have syntax for work with files CSV easily and natively (only pipe | separator is expected, but not ; ).
Surely there is a function/command that handles this type of very common files more efficiently. Which?
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Massimo Linossi » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:28 pm

APPEND FROM <sourceFile> ;
[FIELDS <fieldNames,...> ;]
[<Scope> ; ]
[WHILE <lWhileCondition> ;]
[FOR <lForCondition> ;]
[VIA <rddName> ;]
[SDF | DELIMITED [WITH BLANK | TAB | PIPE | <xDelimiter> ;]
[CODEPAGE <cCodePage> ;]
[CONNECTION <nConnection>] ]
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:37 pm

COPY TO "target.csv" DELIMITED WITH ( { '"', ";" } )
APPEND FROM "source.csv" DELIMITED WITH ( { '"', ";" } )

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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby max » Tue Oct 09, 2018 3:43 pm

APPEND FROM …. DELIMITED WITH ";" is exactly the command that i try each time, but it doesn't work fine with files without spaces.
It works fine only if the file is with field fixed ascii (lenght declared for each field), but if the file is without space and doesn't have fixed lenght (standard format CSV), it is not ok.

I'll try this syntax Nages, thank you.
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Enrico Maria Giordano » Tue Oct 09, 2018 4:05 pm

Can I see a reduced and self-contained sample showing the problem, please? If those commands are not working maybe they can be fixed.

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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Tue Oct 09, 2018 6:20 pm

Enrico Maria Giordano wrote:Can I see a reduced and self-contained sample showing the problem, please? If those commands are not working maybe they can be fixed.


The solution I posted works.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Thu Oct 11, 2018 8:10 pm

My test

Conversion DBF to cvs

comand : DoTXT(ndelimiter)

ndelimiter can be {";",",","|"}

default 1

Code: Select all  Expand view

#include ""
#include ""

FUNCTION GenTxt(ndelimiter)
   MsgRun('Sto generando file in  csv. Aspetta un momento...', oApp():cAppName, ;
         { || DoTXT() } )
   MsgInfo("Processo terminato."+CRLF+CRLF+"I file  CSV generati sono stati salvati"+CRLF+CRLF+"nella cartella : "+oApp():cDocPath)

FUNCTION DoTXT(ndelimiter)
   LOCAL aFields
   LOCAL cBuffer
   LOCAL cDbfFile
   LOCAL cTxtFile
   LOCAL cValue
   LOCAL cTable
   LOCAL nHandle
   LOCAL nFields
   LOCAL nField
   LOCAL nPos
   local aCTipo := {"C","N","L","M","D"}
   local aDTipo := {"Character","Numeric","Logical","Memo","Date"}
   local aFiles := {}
   local aDir   := {}
   local i

   DEFAULT ndelimiter := 1    // ,   ;  |      //  aDelimiters  := {";",",","|"}

   IF ! Empty(oApp():cDbfPath)
      cDir     := oApp():cDbfPath
      aDir  := Directory( cDir+"*.dbf")

        MsgStop( i18n( "Esercizio non attivato correttamente." ) + CRLF + ;
                 i18N( "Per favore eseguire l'attivazione di un esercizio."))
        return nil

   FOR i := 1 TO LEN( aDir )
      aadd(aFiles, aDir[i,1])

  FOR i := 1 TO Len(aFiles)
      cDbfFile := lower(aFiles[i])
      cTxtFile := oApp():cDocPath +StrTran( cDbfFile, ".dbf", ".csv" )
      IF FILE( cTxtFile  )
         DELETE FILE ( cTxtFile  )

      USE (oApp():cDbfPath+cDbfFile)

      nHandle := fCreate( cTxtFile , FC_NORMAL )

      nFields := fCount()
      aFields := dbStruct()
      cBuffer :=""

      DO WHILE .NOT. Eof()

         FOR nField := 1 TO nFields

            // Beginning Record

            DO CASE
               CASE aFields[nField, 2] == "D"
                  cValue := Dtos( FieldGet( nField ))

               CASE aFields[nField, 2] == "N"
                  cValue := Str( FieldGet( nField ))

               CASE aFields[nField, 2] == "L"
                  cValue := If( FieldGet( nField ), "True", "False" )

                  cValue := '"'+Alltrim(FieldGet( nField )) +'"'

         // Ending Record

            IF nField=nFields
               cBuffer := Alltrim( cValue )+ CRLF

               If ndelimiter=1
                  cBuffer := Alltrim( cValue )+","
                 elseif  ndelimiter=2
                  cBuffer := Alltrim( cValue )+";"
                 elseif  ndelimiter=3
                  cBuffer := Alltrim( cValue )+"|"
            fWrite( nHandle, cBuffer )

         NEXT nField

   *   quit

      fClose( nHandle )

if you have suggestion you are welcome
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby postinelli » Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:08 pm

i have the same problem
import to dbf from csv

this example export to csv

you know the way to import csv to dbf ??
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby max » Tue Oct 15, 2019 1:46 pm

As Nages wrote (read above), to import CSV use this:

APPEND FROM "source.csv" DELIMITED WITH ( { '"', ";" } )
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby postinelli » Tue Oct 15, 2019 4:06 pm

dont work for me
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Marc Venken » Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:32 am

I use this : (found from the forum)

Maybe this be be updated of made better.

Code: Select all  Expand view

function csvtransform()
LOCAL hCsv, cLine, aLine, nI := 0,aFiles[ADIR("*.csv")]

ADIR("*.csv", aFiles)

nFile = msglist(aFiles )
cFile = aFiles[nFile]
cDbf = STRTRAN(lower(cFile), ".csv", ".dbf")

//  Calculate the max field lengt
//  Caution : If there are CDX-files, dbf ceation will faile !!  erase them first of code it...

IF ( hCsv := fOpen( cFile , 16 ) ) > 0
    HB_FReadLine( hCsv, @cLine, chr( 10 ) )
    aHeader = strtoarr(cLine)
    nlenarray = len(aHeader)
    aFieldcount = array(nLenarray)
    nTester = 1
    nTeller = 1
    cdeli = MsgSelect( { ";",","} )

    WHILE HB_FReadLine( hCsv, @cLine, chr( 10 ) ) == 0
      oWnd:SetMsg( "Process data "+str(nTeller++))  // Show progress, but slows down on large files
      if cDeli = ","
         FOR I := 1 TO nLenarray

         if I < nLenarray
           cStr = subStr( cLine, 1, at( [,], cLine ) - 1 )
           cStr = STRTRAN(cStr, '"', '')
           cStr = STRTRAN(cLine, '"', '')

         nlengte = len(alltrim(cStr))

         if aFieldcount[ I ] < nLengte
            afieldcount[i] = nLengte

         cLine := subStr( cLine, at( [,], cLine ) + 1 )

         //cLine := subStr( cLine, at( ["], cLine ) + 1 )


         FOR I := 1 TO nLenarray

         if I < nLenarray
           cStr = subStr( cLine, 1, at( [;], cLine ) - 1 )
           cStr = STRTRAN(cStr, '"', '')
           cStr = STRTRAN(cLine, '"', '')

         nlengte = len(cStr)

         if aFieldcount[ I ] < nLengte
            afieldcount[i] = nLengte

         cLine := subStr( cLine, at( [;], cLine ) + 1 )

         //cLine := subStr( cLine, at( ["], cLine ) + 1 )




    fClose( hCsv )
    alert( "BAD LUCK" )
fClose( hCsv )
close all

Marc Venken
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Silvio.Falconi » Fri Nov 20, 2020 3:52 pm

Marc Venken wrote:I use this : (found from the forum)

Maybe this be be updated of made better.

Code: Select all  Expand view

function csvtransform()
LOCAL hCsv, cLine, aLine, nI := 0,aFiles[ADIR("*.csv")]

ADIR("*.csv", aFiles)

nFile = msglist(aFiles )
cFile = aFiles[nFile]
cDbf = STRTRAN(lower(cFile), ".csv", ".dbf")

//  Calculate the max field lengt
//  Caution : If there are CDX-files, dbf ceation will faile !!  erase them first of code it...

IF ( hCsv := fOpen( cFile , 16 ) ) > 0
    HB_FReadLine( hCsv, @cLine, chr( 10 ) )
    aHeader = strtoarr(cLine)
    nlenarray = len(aHeader)
    aFieldcount = array(nLenarray)
    nTester = 1
    nTeller = 1
    cdeli = MsgSelect( { ";",","} )

    WHILE HB_FReadLine( hCsv, @cLine, chr( 10 ) ) == 0
      oWnd:SetMsg( "Process data "+str(nTeller++))  // Show progress, but slows down on large files
      if cDeli = ","
         FOR I := 1 TO nLenarray

         if I < nLenarray
           cStr = subStr( cLine, 1, at( [,], cLine ) - 1 )
           cStr = STRTRAN(cStr, '"', '')
           cStr = STRTRAN(cLine, '"', '')

         nlengte = len(alltrim(cStr))

         if aFieldcount[ I ] < nLengte
            afieldcount[i] = nLengte

         cLine := subStr( cLine, at( [,], cLine ) + 1 )

         //cLine := subStr( cLine, at( ["], cLine ) + 1 )


         FOR I := 1 TO nLenarray

         if I < nLenarray
           cStr = subStr( cLine, 1, at( [;], cLine ) - 1 )
           cStr = STRTRAN(cStr, '"', '')
           cStr = STRTRAN(cLine, '"', '')

         nlengte = len(cStr)

         if aFieldcount[ I ] < nLengte
            afieldcount[i] = nLengte

         cLine := subStr( cLine, at( [;], cLine ) + 1 )

         //cLine := subStr( cLine, at( ["], cLine ) + 1 )




    fClose( hCsv )
    alert( "BAD LUCK" )
fClose( hCsv )
close all


where is the source code complete ?
Since from 1991/1992 ( fw for clipper Rel. 14.4 - Momos)
I use : FiveWin for Harbour November 2023 - January 2024 - Harbour 3.2.0dev (harbour_bcc770_32_20240309) - Bcc7.70 - xMate ver. 1.15.3 - PellesC - mail: silvio[dot]falconi[at]gmail[dot]com
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby Marc Venken » Fri Nov 20, 2020 4:17 pm

Silvio.Falconi wrote:
Marc Venken wrote:I use this : (found from the forum)

Maybe this be be updated of made better.

Silvio :
where is the source code complete ?

This function i have found on the forum. What would you like more ?
Marc Venken
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Re: Import/Export from/to CSV files (; separator)

Postby ukoenig » Fri Nov 20, 2020 6:11 pm

some infos about converting data DBF - CSV and CSV - DBF



Uwe :D
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