Small correction in TBTNBMP Class to paint Disabled BtnText

Small correction in TBTNBMP Class to paint Disabled BtnText

Postby RAMESHBABU » Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:13 am


I was trying to change the Disabled Button Text Color,
But it is always taking the Disabled Text Color as CLR_HGRAY

Line 1367 in METHOD PaintCaption() CLASS TBtnBmp needs to be
modified as under.

//nClr = If( ::IsEnabled(), ::nClrText, If( ::lDisColor, CLR_HGRAY, ::nClrTextDis ) )
nClr = If( ::IsEnabled(), ::nClrText, If( ::lDisColor, ::nClrTextDis, CLR_HGRAY ) )


-Ramesh Babu P
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Re: Small correction in TBTNBMP Class to paint Disabled BtnText

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Thu Jan 15, 2015 6:49 am

Mr Ramesh Babu

The convention used by FWH is that when :lDisColor == .T. ( default ), the disabled button is painted with "standard disabled color", which is GLR_GRAY. When :lDisColor is set to .F., then the user specified :nClrDisText (by default :nClrText) is used.

This convention is consistent with :lDisColors and :nClrTextDis used in TGet.

We suggest obtn:lDisColor or oget:lDisColors be set to .f. when it is required to paint with programmer specified obtn:nClrDisText or oget:lClrTextDis respectively. Any modification would break the existing code in the presently working software.

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Small correction in TBTNBMP Class to paint Disabled BtnText

Postby RAMESHBABU » Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:18 pm


Its my mistake in hurry.

As Usually You are right.

We suggest obtn:lDisColor or oget:lDisColors be set to .f. when it is required to paint with programmer specified obtn:nClrDisText

I have set oget:lDisColors := .f.

Now I am able to Paint the Disabled Text properly.


-Ramesh Babu P
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