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rebuild tsbutton.lib error

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:14 am
by ShumingWang
I rebuild tsbutton.lib, always show an errror:
error rmake/r2001 exit 65535 'd:\harbour21\bin\harbour ..\source\classes\tsbutton.prg ...

sbuttonh.rmk file:

Def ="__HARBOUR__"

// defining paths
BC ="d:\borland\bcc55"
FW ="d:\fwh1103"
HB ="d:\harbour21"
makepath[.prg] ="..\source\classes"
makepath[.c] ="..\lib;..\source\function"

$(HB)\bin\harbour $< /n /i..\include;$(FW)\include;$(HB)\include > comp.log

$(BC)\bin\bcc32 -D$(Def) -O2 -c -I$(HB)\include;$(FW)\include >> comp.log

TSButton.c : TSButton.prg
TSBar.c : TSBar.prg
TSLines.c : TSLines.prg
TSRadio.c : TSRadio.prg
TSTSay.c : TSTSay.prg
TSButton.obj : TSButton.c
TSBar.obj : TSBar.c
TSLines.obj : TSLines.c
TSRadio.obj : TSRadio.c
TSTSay.obj : TSTSay.c
BPaint.obj : BPaint.c
TSButton.exe : BPaint.obj TSButton.obj TSBar.obj TSLines.obj TSRadio.obj TSTSay.obj
Del SButtonH.lib
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +TSButton > Lib.log
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +BPaint >> Lib.log
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +TSBar >> Lib.log
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +TSLines >> Lib.log
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +TSRadio >> Lib.log
$(BC)\bin\Tlib SButtonH +TSTSay >> Lib.log
Del *.c
Del *.obj
Del *.log
Del *.bak

Shuming Wang

Re: rebuild tsbutton.lib error

PostPosted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 7:16 am
by StefanHaupt
Hi Shuming,

I´m using this batch to compile tsbutton. It´s for xharbour, but you can easily adapt it for harbour.

Code: Select all  Expand view
set fwh=d:\fwh
set include=.\INCLUDE;d:\fwh\include;%INCLUDE%
set hdir=d:\xharbour
set bcdir=d:\Borland\bcc55\bin

%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBAR.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBAR.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSBUTTON.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSBUTTON.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSLINES.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSLINES.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSRADIO.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSRADIO.C
%hdir%\bin\harbour SOURCE\Classes\TSTSAY.PRG /n /i%fwh%\include;%hdir%\include /oOBJ\TSTSAY.C

rem INICIO Modulos C Generados por Harbour !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include  -oOBJ\TSBAR.OBJ  OBJ\TSBAR.C

@del OBJ\*.c

rem Modulos C Nativos !!!

%bcdir%\bcc32 -M -c -O2 -D__HARBOUR__ -DHB_API_MACROS -DHB_FM_STATISTICS_OFF -I%hdir%\include;%include%  -oOBJ\BPAINT.OBJ  source\function\BPAINT.C

@del LIB\SButtonX.LIB

%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBar     > Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSBUtton  >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSLines   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSRadio   >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\TSTSay    >> Lib.log
%bcdir%\Tlib lib\SButtonX +obj\BPaint    >> Lib.log

rem @del tmplib.bc

@echo Library built