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[OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 2:34 pm
by José Luis Sánchez
my new post at Harbour Magazine TRecord, or when less is more -

Kind regards,

Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 3:48 am
by nageswaragunupudi
FWH provides all the classes needed. TDatabase, Record class, etc. FWH classes are optimized to work with other FWH classes and browses. I feel we get the best results if we use FWH native classes instead of substituting them with 3rd party utilities.

Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 7:55 am
by Carlos Mora
Mr Rao,
I would prefer having different components to solve different problems. It is the S in the SOLID principles: single concern for every component.
The high degree of coupling among classes makes them very sensitive to changes, and not usable for data sources that are not provided. I would like to see visual component using an data agnostic, well defined interface, so everyone is able to used them.
TGet is a great class: It knows nothing about where the data comes from. The original Clipper's TBrowse showed a good way of data interface. It doesnt knows how to move throw records, nor how to retrieve column data, so TBrowse is usable for anything.
How bright original Clipper's authors were! They brought things like codeblocks, that currently become part of most modern languages, knows as closures or anonymous functions. And they did it at the very beggining of the birth of modern programming. I'm currently in a TypeScript/JS course, and can see many concepts introduced as "marvels" ... when we have had them for decades :)
If CA wouldn't kill it, the world will be running on Harbour's wheels today.


Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 8:20 am
by hmpaquito
Carlos Mora wrote:If CA wouldn't kill it, the world will be running on Harbour's wheels today.


Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 11:31 am
by José Luis Sánchez
Carlos, hmpaquito:

¿ vais a venir a la reunión de Novelda ? Animaros que va a estar muy bien.

José Luis

Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Fri Nov 03, 2017 4:55 pm
by hmpaquito
Gracias José Luis por la invitación.

El cuidado de mis padres no me deja mucho margen para viajar.


Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 10:54 am
by Carlos Mora
José Luis,
la verdad es que tengo unas ganas tremendas, para mí sería la oportunidad de conocer a varios que solo los conozco "electrónicamente", siempre he sido partidario de organizar encuentros y cuando por fin una se pone bueno yo me tengo que quedar fuera.
Tengo la vida un poco liada ultimamente, estoy con un curso de MEAN de L a V de 4 a 9hs, y eso me quita tiempo que se lo termino "robando" al finde, y el aspecto económico no ayuda para nada.

Un saludo

Re: [OT] New post at Harbour Magazine

PostPosted: Mon Nov 06, 2017 6:11 pm
by José Luis Sánchez
Una pena, me hubiera gustado mucho conoceros a los dos.

José Luis