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Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:55 am
by Rimantas
Hi ,

In earlies days xHarbour outruned Harbour . But yesterday I reviewed harbour-project pages and that surprised me ... :) It seems that today's Harbour is stable and robust tool . I want to try it . Today I'm using xHarbour + Bcc55 . And all programs I'm building through .bc file . Can somebody post here sample of .bc file for building aplication Harbour + Bc55 + Fwh ? Also , as I remember , Bcc55 gets enviroment settings from .cfg files . How to edit them ?

Many thanks in advance !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:59 am
by Antonio Linares

Please check FWH\samples\buildh.bat to see the way to use Harbour and FWH.

Here you have the Borland C required settings:

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 3:51 pm
by nageswaragunupudi
Mr Rimantas

You made me look into harbour website. New design. I agree with you. Let us again have a serious look at migrating back to harbour.

By the way, they have HBSQLIT3 library for SQlite. You may like to review it

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 4:33 pm
by driessen

I use xHarbour for several years now. But can someone tell me what the real difference is between Harbour and xHarbour ?


Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:13 pm
by Rick Lipkin

Now that is a GREAT question !!!

I use xHarbour for several years now. But can someone tell me what the real difference is between Harbour and xHarbour

I have followed both tracks and since Przemysław ( harbour MASTER ) has dedicated his talents from xHarb to Harbour .. I have noticed a very aggressive development or re-surgence in Harbour... specifically in MT ( multi threading ) capibility.

Since both tracks are open source ( view xHarb and Harbour change logs ) .. it seems both draw from each other and vice-versa. xHarbour does market themselves and has some very nice commercial tools ( e.g. xBuilder, visual de-bugger, sqllib, Visual xHb ) .. Each track has certain appeals to different developers and there is VALUE and a certain 'distinction' to each !!

I am watching this thread for some interesting answers or comments to your question !!

Rick Lipkin

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:42 pm
by Rimantas
Antonio Linares wrote:Rimantas,

Please check FWH\samples\buildh.bat to see the way to use Harbour and FWH.

Here you have the Borland C required settings:

I create .bc file with hbmake "hmbake bcfile.bc -bc" . At this time I'm getting an errors :

Code: Select all  Expand view

Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Undefined symbol 'HB_FS_MEMVAR'
Error E2141 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Declaration syntax error
Error E2190 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\ENG32.c 252: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2451 OBJ\ENG32.c 716: Undefined symbol 'hb_vm_SymbolInit_ENG32'
*** 9 errors in Compile ***
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Undefined symbol 'HB_FS_MESSAGE'
Error E2141 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Declaration syntax error
Error E2190 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 85: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2451 OBJ\CAL_IM.c 279: Undefined symbol 'hb_vm_SymbolInit_CAL_IM'
*** 9 errors in Compile ***
Borland C++ 5.5.1 for Win32 Copyright (c) 1993, 2000 Borland
Error E2451 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Undefined symbol 'HB_FS_MESSAGE'
Error E2141 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Declaration syntax error
Error E2190 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2190 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Unexpected }
Error E2190 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Unexpected }
Error E2040 OBJ\CLND.c 99: Declaration terminated incorrectly
Error E2451 OBJ\CLND.c 312: Undefined symbol 'hb_vm_SymbolInit_CLND'
*** 9 errors in Compile ***

What it's needful here ?

Regards !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:50 pm
by Rimantas
Rick Lipkin wrote:Driessen

Now that is a GREAT question !!!

Hello Rick ,

In xHarbour I can't understand "pcode" versions . With any new pcode we must to rebuild appls, libs . Hope , that this isn't necessary in Harbour ...
Of course , Przemyslaw it's very good programmer , so it will be better for Harbour ... :) I'm alreday trying Harbour and hope that will be OK .

Regards !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:21 pm
by Rimantas
Antonio ,

With which C compilers can FWH work ? I know that BCC & MS VC it's working . I'm interesting in Gcc compiler . It seems that a new Fwh versions are working with that . What are requirements for that ? Maybe you can to say some words - it worst to change compiler from Bcc to Gcc , or not ? I read in Harbour site :
"The Harbour developers consider GNU GCC to be the supported compiler of the Harbour project, use of the GCC port for your chosen platform is encouraged."

I heard something that Gcc it's better than Bcc , but maybe I'm mistaked ... :)

Regards !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:05 am
by Antonio Linares

> With which C compilers can FWH work ?

Borland, Microsoft and gcc (MinGW) are supported by FWH.

All of them work fine:

* Borland seems to be the most popular by FWH users.
* Microsoft is required for FWPPC ( FiveWin for Pocket PC) and for FWH64 (FWH 64 bits).
* gcc is required for FiveLinux and FiveMac.

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 4:56 am
by Rimantas
Antonio Linares wrote:Rimantas,

> With which C compilers can FWH work ?

Borland, Microsoft and gcc (MinGW) are supported by FWH.
All of them work fine:
* Borland seems to be the most popular by FWH users.
* Microsoft is required for FWPPC ( FiveWin for Pocket PC) and for FWH64 (FWH 64 bits).
* gcc is required for FiveLinux and FiveMac.

Thanks Antonio !

What you can say about errors of compilations with Hartbour ? Something is wrong and I can't understand what ... :(

Regards !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:28 am
by Antonio Linares

Please use

FWH\samples\buildh.bat YourPrg

to build your PRG

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:45 am
by Rimantas
Antonio Linares wrote:Rimantas,

Please use

FWH\samples\buildh.bat YourPrg

to build your PRG

In this project I'm using 40 prgs . It seem that makename.bc it's a better solution . Ok I'll try this bat and let you know ... :) Thanks !

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:50 am
by Antonio Linares

You have a working make example for multiple PRGs and C files, using Borland, in:


and another using Microsoft:


Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:51 am
by Antonio Linares

Anyhow, we do recommend you UEStudio project manager, that works really fine with FWH.

You have UEStudio for FWH config files in:

Re: Questions about Harbour ...

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:59 pm
by Randal
I use xHarbour for several years now. But can someone tell me what the real difference is between Harbour and xHarbour

I have followed both tracks and since Przemysław ( harbour MASTER ) has dedicated his talents from xHarb to Harbour .. I have noticed a very aggressive development or re-surgence in Harbour... specifically in MT ( multi threading ) capibility.

Since both tracks are open source ( view xHarb and Harbour change logs ) .. it seems both draw from each other and vice-versa. xHarbour does market themselves and has some very nice commercial tools ( e.g. xBuilder, visual de-bugger, sqllib, Visual xHb ) .. Each track has certain appeals to different developers and there is VALUE and a certain 'distinction' to each !!

I am watching this thread for some interesting answers or comments to your question !!

I use xHarbour primarily because of rmdbfcdx, which I understand Przemystaw developed. Does anyone have a comparison between rmdbfcdx in xHarbour and dbfcdx in harbour? Is there any Comix like functionality in Harbour?
