Question about performance RowSet

Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:02 pm

Hello all.

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oCn:Rowset( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 1.87 seconds

oCn:QueryResult( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 0.21 seconds

that's right?

This difference in accumulated time when I need to obtain data from several tables for editing in multiple browsers becomes very large.
For example, when i have a button to "insert' a new record, is there other way editing data without RowSet object?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby carlos vargas » Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:02 am

podria ser que:
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oCn:QueryResult( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 0.21 seconds

retorna un arreglo simple de datos
y que
Code: Select all  Expand view
oCn:Rowset( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 1.87 seconds

acá creo que rao hace uso de una estructura de datos propia para poder hacer los filtrados y ordenamiento de forma local (cliente), para no hacer lecturas al servidor constantemente, aunado a que es un objeto bastante complejo, data/var y métodos, que es en lo cual donde realmente toma su tiempo, no tanto en la recuperación del cursor de datos que para ambos métodos es igual.

en lo personal, lo miro normal.

por eso cuando la información que se pretende recuperar es poca, y una sola fila de datos es preferible usar QueryResult, no tiene sentido usar RowSet, dado que no se hará búsqueda, ordenaciones, etc.

otro tip importantes es que, en un recordset, cuando usamos la asignación ( oQry:FIELD1 := 10 ) y lectura de un campo del query ( ?oQry:FIELD1 ), (tanto tmysq y tdolphin, en fwh no lo tengo claro ya que no se proporcionan los fuentes), se hace uso del método error para poder asignar y recuperar la información y eso agrega tiempo adicional, acá Rao podría aclarar.
Carlos Vargas
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby carlos vargas » Fri Mar 15, 2024 3:15 am

Otro tip adicional es que cuando hacemos una consulta al servidor, la primera vez tomo su tiempo, dado que esa info no existe en la cache del servidor, si en poco tiempo se hace una consulta similar, el tiempo de respuesta se reduce dado que mucha de la info ya está en cache, esto ya es parte de la optimización propia del servidor mysql/mariadb.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Fri Mar 15, 2024 1:50 pm

carlos vargas wrote:podria ser que:
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oCn:QueryResult( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 0.21 seconds

retorna un arreglo simple de datos
y que
Code: Select all  Expand view
oCn:Rowset( "select field1, field2 to my table where field3 = 'x' " ) // 1.87 seconds

acá creo que rao hace uso de una estructura de datos propia para poder hacer los filtrados y ordenamiento de forma local (cliente), para no hacer lecturas al servidor constantemente, aunado a que es un objeto bastante complejo, data/var y métodos, que es en lo cual donde realmente toma su tiempo, no tanto en la recuperación del cursor de datos que para ambos métodos es igual.

en lo personal, lo miro normal.

por eso cuando la información que se pretende recuperar es poca, y una sola fila de datos es preferible usar QueryResult, no tiene sentido usar RowSet, dado que no se hará búsqueda, ordenaciones, etc.

otro tip importantes es que, en un recordset, cuando usamos la asignación ( oQry:FIELD1 := 10 ) y lectura de un campo del query ( ?oQry:FIELD1 ), (tanto tmysq y tdolphin, en fwh no lo tengo claro ya que no se proporcionan los fuentes), se hace uso del método error para poder asignar y recuperar la información y eso agrega tiempo adicional, acá Rao podría aclarar.

Thank you Carlos.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Mar 16, 2024 10:20 am

RowSet takes a bit more time, because during creation it collects a lot other relevant information which makes usage faster.
First time reading is a bit slower when compared to other libraries.
Once opened, updates, inserts, deletes, sorts, filters, etc. are all extremely faster than the other libs.
If we look back in the forums, we posted speed comparison with other libraries a few years back.

When a RowSet is opened for ReadOnly, again the initial reading is faster.
Code: Select all  Expand view
oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql, [aParams], [lReadOnly] )

Code: Select all  Expand view
aData := oCn:Execute( cSql, [aParams] )

We get the data in a multi-dimensional array.
In case we need the structure, call this immediately
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aStruct := oCn:Execute()

This is an extension to Execute.
if we use an sql like "select age from customer where id = 100"
this function returns 58, instead of {{58}}

As you indicated above, if we want to edit just one record in a table, we can
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aRow := oCn:QueryResult( "select * from states where code='WA'" )
//We get a single dim array { "WA", "Washington" }
// Edit the array and then
oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { aRow } )

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Sat Mar 16, 2024 1:18 pm

when i have a button to "insert' a new record, is there other way editing data without RowSet object?

Please try this and let us know.
Code: Select all  Expand view
  oData := TArrayData():New( oCn, "select * from <tablename> limit 1" )

I am thinking of adding method to get a single record from a table ( existing or new ) and then edit and save the data.
May be something like this:
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oRecord := oCn:Record( cSql, [lBlank] ) // returns FW_Record / TDataRow object

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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:35 pm

Mr Rao, thank you for tyour attention and informattions.

nageswaragunupudi wrote:RowSet
RowSet takes a bit more time, because during creation it collects a lot other relevant information which makes usage faster.
First time reading is a bit slower when compared to other libraries.
Once opened, updates, inserts, deletes, sorts, filters, etc. are all extremely faster than the other libs.
If we look back in the forums, we posted speed comparison with other libraries a few years back.

When a RowSet is opened for ReadOnly, again the initial reading is faster.
Code: Select all  Expand view
oRs := oCn:RowSet( cSql, [aParams], [lReadOnly] )

Code: Select all  Expand view
aData := oCn:Execute( cSql, [aParams] )

We get the data in a multi-dimensional array.
In case we need the structure, call this immediately
Code: Select all  Expand view
aStruct := oCn:Execute()

This is an extension to Execute.
if we use an sql like "select age from customer where id = 100"
this function returns 58, instead of {{58}}

That is ok, works fine.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:46 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:As you indicated above, if we want to edit just one record in a table, we can
Code: Select all  Expand view
aRow := oCn:QueryResult( "select * from states where code='WA'" )
//We get a single dim array { "WA", "Washington" }
// Edit the array and then
oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { aRow } )

Mr Rao, this works when there exists any record from select.
When the select there no result, insert does not work.

I am try this:
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aRow := oCn:QueryResult( "select field1,field2 from states where code='WA'" )
if aRow == NIL // not found, then inserts
    aRow := { "aa","bb" }
    oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { aRow } )

But insert not work.

I have many processes for generating payroll for workers (40 thousand workers) in which the above situation occurs.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:50 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:
when i have a button to "insert' a new record, is there other way editing data without RowSet object?

Please try this and let us know.
Code: Select all  Expand view
  oData := TArrayData():New( oCn, "select * from <tablename> limit 1" )

This code generated a runtime error:
Code: Select all  Expand view
Código           : 1
Descrição do Erro:
Erro BASE/1123  Erro nos parƒmetros: AADD
Código: 1
Arg. 1      Tipo: U Valor:
Arg. 2      Tipo: N Valor: 1

Chamada de Pilha
Chamado de AADD(0)
Chamado de AEVAL(0)
Chamado de TARRAYDATA:NEW(255)
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:52 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:
I am thinking of adding method to get a single record from a table ( existing or new ) and then edit and save the data.
May be something like this:
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oRecord := oCn:Record( cSql, [lBlank] ) // returns FW_Record / TDataRow object

This would be very good, I believe, for many programmers.

Thany you Mr Rao.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Mar 20, 2024 3:19 pm

I am try this:
aRow := oCn:QueryResult( "select field1,field2 from states where code='WA'" )
if aRow == NIL // not found, then inserts
aRow := { "aa","bb" }
oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { aRow } )

But insert not work.

Table `states` has 3 fields: id, code, name where id is autoincrement field

This should work:
Code: Select all  Expand view
oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { { 0, "KK", "KState" } } )

For Upsert() to work, we need to include primary key also.

But you can use normal Insert like this:
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oCn:Insert( "states", "code,name", { { "KK", "KKKK" } } )

G. N. Rao.
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Mar 20, 2024 4:45 pm

Please try this for adding new record.
This is working for me and should work for you too.
First run this program as it is without changes before you adopt to your tables.

Code: Select all  Expand view
function MariaNewRecord()

   local oCn := maria_Connect( ",fwh,fwhuser,FiveTech@2022" )
   local oData

   oData := TArrayData():New( oCn, "states", "FALSE" )

   xbrowser ocn:states

return nil

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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:01 pm

Hello Mr. Rao.

nageswaragunupudi wrote:I am try this:
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aRow := oCn:QueryResult( "select field1,field2 from states where code='WA'" )
if aRow == NIL // not found, then inserts
    aRow := { "aa","bb" }
    oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { aRow } )

But insert not work.
Table `states` has 3 fields: id, code, name where id is autoincrement field

This should work:
Code: Select all  Expand view
oCn:Upsert( "states", nil, { { 0, "KK", "KState" } } )

For Upsert() to work, we need to include primary key also.

My table have 20 fields, but in this part of process I need edit or insert just a few.

nageswaragunupudi wrote:But you can use normal Insert like this:
Code: Select all  Expand view
oCn:Insert( "states", "code,name", { { "KK", "KKKK" } } )

Works, faster, I can use it. thank you!
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby Eroni » Wed Mar 20, 2024 7:07 pm

nageswaragunupudi wrote:Please try this for adding new record.
This is working for me and should work for you too.
First run this program as it is without changes before you adopt to your tables.

Code: Select all  Expand view
function MariaNewRecord()

   local oCn := maria_Connect( ",fwh,fwhuser,FiveTech@2022" )
   local oData

   oData := TArrayData():New( oCn, "states", "FALSE" )

   xbrowser ocn:states

return nil

Run time error:
Code: Select all  Expand view
Código           : 1
Descrição do Erro:
Erro BASE/1081  Erro nos parƒmetros: +
Código: 1
Arg. 1      Tipo: C Valor:  where
Arg. 2      Tipo: O Valor: TARRAYDATA

Chamada de Pilha
Chamado de TARRAYDATA:NEW(255)
Chamado de MARIANEWRECORD(190)
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Re: Question about performance RowSet

Postby nageswaragunupudi » Wed Mar 20, 2024 8:22 pm

Run time error:

Which version of FWH did you test with please?

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