September 2007 build
* New: FWH new Class TPreview. Now the FiveWin printer preview is a class so you can simultaneously use as menu printer previews as needed.
* Enhancement: FWPPC Class TFolder Method Destroy(), now its properly releasing all managed dialogs.
* FWH: Enhancement, Class TMetaFile Method Paint(), it calls ::SetCoors() if ::nVRatio is not defined.
* FWH: Enhancement, Class TFolder Method AddItem( cItem, cResName, bRedefineControls ) now uses a third parameter, a codeblock to redefine to controls in cResName dialog. Also the folder dialogs dimensions have been modified to match the folder surface.
Please review samples\TestFldD.prg to see how dinamycally add new pages and controls to a resources defined folder.
* Enhancement: function lIsDir() was not checking hidden and system directories. now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TTreeView Method Add( cPrompt, nImage, nValue ) now supports a nValue parameter, that can be retrieved later on using the function TVIPARAM( hItem ) --> nValue.
It is usefull to relate a treeview item with a specific number (i.e. a record number, etc.)
* Enhancement: Class TToolbar Method MouseMove() support for own defined mouse cursors. Please review samples\rebars.prg
* Enhancement: FiveLinux has been rebuilt using the most recent Harbour/xHarbour builds. Please notice that samples\ and have changed.
* New: FiveLinux, Timers are already available. Please review samples\TestTime.prg
* Enhancement: FiveLinux, @ ..., ... GET ... PASSWORD clause support. Please review samples\TestDlg.prg
* Enhancement: FiveLinux, Class TWBrowse Method SetArray( aArray ). Please review samples\TestArr.prg
* Enhancement: FiveLinux, browses scrollbar thumbpos changes events support.
* New: FiveLinux, Resources support is getting ready, please review samples\TestRes.prg. Not finished yet.
* New: FiveLinux, MsgBeep() is already available
* New: FWPPC, Class TWindow Method Update(). As Class TDialog inherits from Class TWindow, it is also available for Class TDialog.
* Enhancement: FWPPC automatically calls TerminateProcess() if a GPF occurs.
* Fix: FWH Class TGet with xHarbour had a bug using decimal numbers when pressing ".". Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: FWH Class TClipboard Method SetMetafile( oMetaFile ). Copies the contents of a FWH metafile to the clipboard.
* Enhancement: FWH function lIsDir( cDirName ) to avoid trailing "\" and "/" chars
* New: FWH samples\resdyn.prg shows how to dynamically add new controls to a Resources defined dialogbox.
* Enhancement: FWH Class TXBrowse, fix for array autosort on (incremental search) and two colums (search column) are swapped.
* Enhancement: Class TGet created insert caret height was not correct. Now it is ok.
* New: FWH Class TXBrowse new Method SelFont().
* Fix: Class TButtonBmo was not properly showing its associated message if defined. Now it is ok.
* New: FWH Class TOutLook2003, please review samples\Test2003.prg
* Fix: FWH nSerialHD() was not properly working. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: Class TXBrowse some minor changes.