New FTDN september 2014 (FWH 14.09)

New FTDN september 2014 (FWH 14.09)

Postby Antonio Linares » Tue Oct 21, 2014 4:38 am

October 2014 (Included in FWH 14.09 )

* Fix: Class TBtnBmp still required some fixes on the methods PaintCaption()
and PaintBitmap()

* Fix: In prv2pdf.prg removed the "¿" for non spanish languages

* Enhancement: Minor improvement on Class TReport Method EndGroup() thanks to
Dan Landon!

* New: function FWLanguageID() returns the currently selected LanguageID for
the FW multi languages translation engine selected language.

* Enhancement: optional parameter nHelpID supported by function MemoEdit(),
thanks to Dan Landon

* Enhancement: function TimeZone() adjusts Bias for daylight savings time,
thanks to Dan Landon

* Fix: tabs.prg. Destroy() method was trying to release oFont twice. Fixed.

* Enhancement: TDataRow class new methods:
FieldGet( cnFld ), FieldPut( cnFld, x ), FieldOrg( cnFld ), Undo( cnFld )

* Enhancement: some of the DEFINE WINDOW ... commands were missing nHelpId.
We have added it in both cases. Thanks to Dan!

* New: Implemented the low level functions fw_strcpy( char *, const char * )
and fw_strcat( char *, const char * ).

* Fix: Disabled Class TBtnBmp buttons were not painting properly. Now they
are fine.

* Enhancement: Class TTreeView Method SetSelText( cText ), thanks to Cristobal
and Manuel!

* Minor fix in Class TXBrowse Nethod SetArray() when using hashes


* New: We have started implementing Unicode support in FiveWin. Please review
samples\unicode.prg. Many thanks to Ruediger!

* Fix: Disabled BtnBmp buttons were not as light gray as previous versions.
Now it is ok.

* Fix: Class TFolderEx was not properly repainting the current selected dialog
when the container was resized. Now it is ok:


* Enhancement: Printing had no feedback that a print is happening when was only
one page. Now the user gets the feedback no matter how many pages are printed.
Thanks to Dan!

* Fix: TXBrowse: When user provided bitmaps are used for column buttons
( listboxes, edit buttons ) Refresh() is called prematurely resulting in
recursive calls to Adjust() method. Fixed now.

* Enhancement: TRBtn class. Now popumenus can be speicified as codeblocks
also in the sameway as for Btnbmp's. This enables dynamic popup menus.

* New: database.prg: New functions:
FW_FieldsPut( caFields, aValues, [nLockWaitSecs], [lAppend] ) --> nRecNo ( 0 if failure)
caFields: Single field name/num, List of field names/nums, array of fieldnames/nums
If ommitted, all fields
aValues: Array of values/codeblocks. Nil values and same values are not written
nLockWaitSecs: nil:Single Try, 0:Perpectural try, n: Try for n secs
lAppend: If .t. or eof() new record is appended.
Locking: This function locks and unlocks the record where necessary (i.e., if the
file is not exclusive or flocked and if the record is not locked already)
1)FW_FieldsPut( "ID,QTY,UPDT,CRDT", ;
{ "TRN->ID", { || QTY += TRN->QTY }, { || DateTime() }, ;
{ |lAppend| If( lAppend, DateTime(), nil ) } }, ;
The above codes seeks TRN->ID in the current workarea. If found updates the
record by replacing QTY by adding TRN->QTY, updates datetime() of updatation.
If not found, the function appends a new record with ID, TRN->QTY and datetime
in both UPDT and CRDT.

2)FW_CdxCreate( [caTagList\ )
3)FW_DBFSTRUCT( cDbfFile ) --> dbstruct() // without USEing the DBF
* New: XBrowse column Datas oCol:bKeyDown, oCol:bKeyChar: Useful to assign
key actions when a particular column is selected.
New Access Data: oCol:StrData. Shortcut for Eval( oCol:bStrData, nil, oCol )

* Fixes: XBrowse:
- Exiting EDIT_LISTBOX with TAB key was giving runtime error. Fixed.
- Using EDIT_BUTTON for a column withoud data was not permitted and
resulting in runtimerror. Now it is possible, though not recommended.
- When group headers of adjacent cells are inexactly equal, they are
treated as same header. Fixed.

* Enhacement: Class TBar Method New() and NewAt() added new lBorder parameter:


* Enhancement: Added CLASSDATA lChangeCaret into Class TGet:
It enables or disables the change of the caret shape when pressing Ins.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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