New FTDN July 2012 (FWH 12.07)

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Antonio Linares
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New FTDN July 2012 (FWH 12.07)

Post by Antonio Linares »

July 2012

* Enhancement: Updated makefile example for MinGW and FWH and Harbour in


* Enhancement: Optional incremental search on Class TComboBox no longer requires that
the user writes the whole searched for item chars. It searches for the already partially
written chars:


Please review samples\tim3.prg

* New: Class TWindow Method SetPos( nRow, nCol )

* New: function SourceEdit( @cSource, cTitle ) --> lChanged builds a Scintila source
code editor, similar to MemoEdit() but with syntax highlighting, line numbers, etc.

* New: Class TControl Method GetCtrlIndex() calculates the index of a control based
on its order inside its container aControls, and checks for other controls of the
same class. In example, if you have to TButtons on a window, the second one will have
2 as its GetCtrlIndex().

* Enhancement: mapi support was missing from FWH for MinGW. Now it is properly included.


* New: Class TMeterEx METHOD SetTotal( nTotal ) to have compatibility with Class TMeter.

* New: function Execute( cCode, [ params, ... ] ) --> uResult invokes the builted in
Harbour compiler so you can compile any external file or dinamically built code. Please
review FWH\samples\scripts.prg

* Fix: Some required changes in Class TGantt Method New():


* New: samples\FiveForm.prg is a FWH forms (windows, dialogs) designer that automatically
generates PRG source code and allows the save and load of forms to disk. It is a
work in progress that we will be completing in next FWH builds, so your feedback is
very welcome :-)

FiveForm.prg requires FWH 12.07 as we have implemented new required Methods GenLocals()
and cGenPrg() so it can work properly. Also, has been modified so now all
controls created from source code save their variable names into the DATA cVarName.

In example, if you do: @ ..., ... GET oGet1 VAR ...

oGet1:cVarName will be automatically assigned with "oGet1".


* New function FW_DbfToExcel( cFieldList, bFor, bWhile, nNext, nRec, lRest )
for quick export of selected/all fields of a DBF to Excel

* Enhancement: Class TGantt has been greatly enhanced and now we provide a new example in
c:\FWH\samples\silvio.prg showing a xbrowse and a gantt together on a window:


* Fix: report.prg: while printing group totals bottom line also was printed above the totals.

* New: complete make example for FWH and Harbour for Microsoft Visual Studio 2010.
Available in FWH\makes\

* Enhancement: Rpreview.prg: Where MS Office is not installed, rpreview uses OpenOffice,
if installed, for the purpose of saving to DOC or PDF.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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