New FTDN May 2018 (FWH 18.05)

New FTDN May 2018 (FWH 18.05)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sat Jul 14, 2018 4:14 am

May 2018

* GET:

- New style CLAUSE BOTTOMBORDER: Instead of enclosing the Get in a rectangle,
painted transparently with an underline only.

* Window.prg:

- New ACCESS DATA: HasFocus --> .t. if the window has focus.

- Enhanced method Line( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor, nPenSize )
Additional optional parameters nColor and nPenSize

- Enhanced method Box( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColorOrPen )
Additional optional parameter nColorOrPen can be nColor, hPen or oPen


- Enhancement: When several columns are set as rows with SetColsAsRows(), inline
edit is invoked through TDataRow of such columns, other than ReadOnly columns.
The edit dialog uses font of the column and is anchored to the active cell.

- Enhancement: Runtime errors might occur when datasource is closed, while
the browse is still active. This normally happens when dialogs are closed
with valid clause closing datasource. This causes lot of annoyance and
incovenience to the users of the software by terminating the application.
In such cases runtime errors are prevented.
Navigation and edits are disabled but the browse continues to be displayed
as seen before closing the datasource.

- TXBrwColumn: New method AnchorToCell( oDlg/oControl)
The dialog / control is aligned to bottom of the active cell.

- Fix: lFitGridHeight is not behaving correctly when lFooter is .t.

- New data nClrBorder: When lDrawBorder is set to .t., border is drawn
using nClrBoder if specified. Default is coldivider color.

- New DATA aFilter: If assigned with an array of record numbers, the browse
displays only those record numbers in that order. Setting the data to nil
reverts to display of all records. When this filter is on, seek, setorder
do not work. Methods toExcel, Report etc are not compatible.
oBrw:aFilter := { 10, 30, 230 }
// view only records 10,30,230
oBrw:aFilter := nil
// View all records

- Enhancement: method SetTree( [<nLevels>] )
The normal usage of oBrw:SetTree( oTree, ... ) continues.
If oBrw:SetTree( [<nLevels>] ) is called after a normal browse of sorted
data is setup from any datasource, oTree is automatically built from the
existing data and switched to TreeView. Original view can be toggled by
using the usual Set...() methods.

- New alternative syntax:
While creating xbrowse, columns can also be created using a texutal
descriptive syntax:
@ <r>,<c> XBROWSE oBrw <clauses> ;
"STREET+CHR(13)+CHR(10)+CITY AS Address WIDTH 100", ;
- New method ResetData( [<uSource>], [<aCols> ] ) --> lSuccess
Enables switching of datasource and/or columns during runtime.
At lease one of the parameters need to be provided.
1) uSource: Can be cAlias, oTDataDbf, oRecordSet, oQry, oRowSet, oRecSet
If nil, present source continues to be used
2) aCols: Array of column names, expresssions.


- Method ShowPopUp() encounters runtime error when btnbmp is created on
a modal dialog. Fixed.

- Method ShowPopup( oPop/bPop ) now accepts oPopmenu or codeblock which
creates a popmenu as a parameter. When specified, the popup specified as
paramter is displayed irrespective of the value of oBtn:oPopup

* TIMEPICKER: bChange is working now.

* SCROLLPANEL (scrlpanl.prg) enhancements:
- :bPainted can be used
- :lTransparent or :nOpacity := <n> both work
- Can use gradient and resizable image brushes

* Fix: Class TEdit now properly supports the vertical scrollbar:


* function SummaryDataAsTree( bSkip, bEof, aGroups, bCargo )
in trees.prg enhanced. Can be used to automatically create a tree
object from any sorted datasource. Mainly used as support function
in XBrowse method SetTree(). Refer to this method as an example of
usage of the function.

* Drag and Drop Simplification: Till ver.18.04, bDropInfo was evaluated
with 4 params:
Eval( ::bDropOver, uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nFlags )
nRow and nCol are relative to the window from which the drag began.
The destination windows needs to convert nRow,nCol to coordinates
relative to itself, without even knowing the source window.
Now, bDropOver is evaluated with two more additional paramters.
Eval( ::bDropOver, uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nFlags, aPoint, oSourceWnd )
aPoint is { nRow, nCol } relative to the destination window.
oSourceWnd is the window where the drag began.

FWH now includes easyreport runtime. It is not necessary to link with
vrd.lib or vrd.prg,vrditem.prg,etc to run easyreports.
Some programmers developed their own forks and are using their own
versions. FWH implementation does not conflict with such individual
adaptations. They can still continue to link their own versions and
continue without any conflicts.
To use FWH runtime, #include "" should be replaced with
#include "" in the application programs.

* Fix: functions GetExcelRange() and GetExcelBook() in olefuncs.prg.
These functions were unable to open files on network. Fixed
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Re: New FTDN May 2018 (FWH 18.05)

Postby Antonio Linares » Sun Jul 22, 2018 5:01 pm

May 2018 (Revised Build)


- Method ResetData() now works with PostGre queries also.

- Method SetRDD() now recognizes if the dbf is accessed from a remote
location and sets navigation codeblocks accordingly.

- Data oSortCol has value only when the sorted column is visible inside
the browse window. Now it has valid value in all cases.

- Fix to method SetADO(): Due to a bug in version 18.05, calling
oBrw:EditSource() is causing runtime error in case of browsing
selected columns from recordset. Fixed.

* Fix function WNETGETCONNECTION() in net.c
Now returning a string of length 249 containing the result followed by
garbage. Fixed to return the correct result only.

* New functions in filenames.prg:
cFileUNCname( cFile ) -- Uncname
lFileIsRemote( cFile ) --> True if the file is on a network drive

- Fix: In case of Unicode gets, pressing END key is positioning the cursor
before the last character, instead of after the last character. Fixed.

May 2018

* GET:

- New style CLAUSE BOTTOMBORDER: Instead of enclosing the Get in a rectangle,
painted transparently with an underline only.

* Window.prg:

- New ACCESS DATA: HasFocus --> .t. if the window has focus.

- Enhanced method Line( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColor, nPenSize )
Additional optional parameters nColor and nPenSize

- Enhanced method Box( nTop, nLeft, nBottom, nRight, nColorOrPen )
Additional optional parameter nColorOrPen can be nColor, hPen or oPen


- Enhancement: When several columns are set as rows with SetColsAsRows(), inline
edit is invoked through TDataRow of such columns, other than ReadOnly columns.
The edit dialog uses font of the column and is anchored to the active cell.

- Enhancement: Runtime errors might occur when datasource is closed, while
the browse is still active. This normally happens when dialogs are closed
with valid clause closing datasource. This causes lot of annoyance and
incovenience to the users of the software by terminating the application.
In such cases runtime errors are prevented.
Navigation and edits are disabled but the browse continues to be displayed
as seen before closing the datasource.

- TXBrwColumn: New method AnchorToCell( oDlg/oControl)
The dialog / control is aligned to bottom of the active cell.

- Fix: lFitGridHeight is not behaving correctly when lFooter is .t.

- New data nClrBorder: When lDrawBorder is set to .t., border is drawn
using nClrBoder if specified. Default is coldivider color.

- New DATA aFilter: If assigned with an array of record numbers, the browse
displays only those record numbers in that order. Setting the data to nil
reverts to display of all records. When this filter is on, seek, setorder
do not work. Methods toExcel, Report etc are not compatible.
oBrw:aFilter := { 10, 30, 230 }
// view only records 10,30,230
oBrw:aFilter := nil
// View all records

- Enhancement: method SetTree( [<nLevels>] )
The normal usage of oBrw:SetTree( oTree, ... ) continues.
If oBrw:SetTree( [<nLevels>] ) is called after a normal browse of sorted
data is setup from any datasource, oTree is automatically built from the
existing data and switched to TreeView. Original view can be toggled by
using the usual Set...() methods.

- New alternative syntax:
While creating xbrowse, columns can also be created using a texutal
descriptive syntax:
@ <r>,<c> XBROWSE oBrw <clauses> ;
"STREET+CHR(13)+CHR(10)+CITY AS Address WIDTH 100", ;
- New method ResetData( [<uSource>], [<aCols> ] ) --> lSuccess
Enables switching of datasource and/or columns during runtime.
At lease one of the parameters need to be provided.
1) uSource: Can be cAlias, oTDataDbf, oRecordSet, oQry, oRowSet, oRecSet
If nil, present source continues to be used
2) aCols: Array of column names, expresssions.


- Method ShowPopUp() encounters runtime error when btnbmp is created on
a modal dialog. Fixed.

- Method ShowPopup( oPop/bPop ) now accepts oPopmenu or codeblock which
creates a popmenu as a parameter. When specified, the popup specified as
paramter is displayed irrespective of the value of oBtn:oPopup

* TIMEPICKER: bChange is working now.

* SCROLLPANEL (scrlpanl.prg) enhancements:
- :bPainted can be used
- :lTransparent or :nOpacity := <n> both work
- Can use gradient and resizable image brushes

* Fix: Class TEdit now properly supports the vertical scrollbar:


* function SummaryDataAsTree( bSkip, bEof, aGroups, bCargo )
in trees.prg enhanced. Can be used to automatically create a tree
object from any sorted datasource. Mainly used as support function
in XBrowse method SetTree(). Refer to this method as an example of
usage of the function.

* Drag and Drop Simplification: Till ver.18.04, bDropInfo was evaluated
with 4 params:
Eval( ::bDropOver, uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nFlags )
nRow and nCol are relative to the window from which the drag began.
The destination windows needs to convert nRow,nCol to coordinates
relative to itself, without even knowing the source window.
Now, bDropOver is evaluated with two more additional paramters.
Eval( ::bDropOver, uDropInfo, nRow, nCol, nFlags, aPoint, oSourceWnd )
aPoint is { nRow, nCol } relative to the destination window.
oSourceWnd is the window where the drag began.

FWH now includes easyreport runtime. It is not necessary to link with
vrd.lib or vrd.prg,vrditem.prg,etc to run easyreports.
Some programmers developed their own forks and are using their own
versions. FWH implementation does not conflict with such individual
adaptations. They can still continue to link their own versions and
continue without any conflicts.
To use FWH runtime, #include "" should be replaced with
#include "" in the application programs.

* Fix: functions GetExcelRange() and GetExcelBook() in olefuncs.prg.
These functions were unable to open files on network. Fixed

April 2018 (revised build)

- Fix: In fastedit mode, next cell after edit is not painted in focused color. Fixed

- Important Fix: Due to a minor change in FWH1803, program is crashing when a rowset
is closed and set to nil. This happens only in xHarbour. With Harbour it is working
well. Fixed now.
regards, saludos

Antonio Linares
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Antonio Linares
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Posts: 41872
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