January 2006 build
* Fix: FWC3, dialogboxes with GETs and a pulldown menu, were not properly processing Enter key. Now it is ok.
* Enhancement: FWPPC, Method AEvalWhen() is called from Class TWindow Method Activate() and focus is given to the first resulting active control.
* Fix: FW++, Class TDialog Method Initiate() was not getting called for non modal dialogs created from source code. Now it is ok.
* New: FWPPC, new implemented function SHFullScreen().
* New: FWPPC, added missing Class TControl Method VarPut( <uVal> ) and Method VarGet().
* Enhancement: Class TPrinter Method New() uses a new parameter lSelection. Method End() calls PrinterEnd() to free the used printer memory. PrinterBegin() uses the new parameter lSelection. Print.ch uses the new clause SELECTION.
* Enhancement: PrintDC.c, PRINTDLG pd structure has been modified the way its get initialized. New static structure used to store the printing margins of the application. GetPrintDC() has been modified to be used by Class TRichEdit. New functions: PageSetup(), PageGetMargins(),
PrnGetPagNums(), PrnGetSelection() and PrnGetCollate(). New function PrinterEnd() to free the printer used memory (warning, if this function is called then you have to set your printing values again next time you are going to print).
* Enhancement: Class TRichEdit new Method PageSetup(). Method Print() has been modified. New parameters for the low level function REPrint(). Now more features are managed: pages selection, print selection, insert pages, pages to print, number of copies and printing margins. You may review samples\TestRtf.prg for a working sample.
* Fix: FW++ Class TGet minor fix on VK_RETURN and default pushbuttons behavior.
* New: Class TVItem (TreeViewItem) Method GetParent(), returns the parent of a given treeview item if it exists or nil. Please review samples\TreeView.prg working sample.
* Fix: Class TFolder Method GotFocus(), minor fix.
* Enhancement: Disabled GETs in 32 bits now can show whatever color you may want, not the Windows imposed lightgray color. Simply set the color to the GET using COLOR ...,... clause or use oGet:SetColor( ...,... ) method call and set the DATA lDisColor to .f..
* New: FWPPC, Class TMultiGet is already available. Please review samples\TestMemo.prg
* Enhancement: ChooseFont() has been modified so if cancel is pressed, then it returns a 14 items array but all are them are nil.
* Enhancement: FW++ is already compatible with Xbase++ 1.9 RC-2.
* Fix: Some recent changes in winapi\comm.c get reverted.
* New: samples\buildhd.bat and samples\buildhdp.bat have been included in the FWH setup, to build Harbour self contained DLLs and Harbour pcode DLLs. Please review samples\babu.prg and samples\BabuDll.prg, and samples\TestDllP.prg
* Enhancement: FWPPC, VALID clause is already available for DIALOGs. Please review samples\tutor04.prg
* Enhancement: Class TListView has been enhanced to properly work using @ ..., ... LISTVIEW command. Please review samples\ListVie1.prg. Please notice that FiveWin.ch has changed.
* New: Class TTreeView, new method SetText( cText ) for items (Class TTvItem). Please review samples\TestTree.prg for a working sample.
* New: FWPPC, WndTop( hWnd, [nNewTop] ) --> nTop support.
* New: FiveWin.ch and FWCE.ch (for Pocket PC), new command to create individual radioitems at a certain location, and belonging to a radiomenu:
#xcommand @ <nRow>, <nCol> RADIOITEM [ <oRadItem> PROMPT ] <cCaption> ;
[ <of: OF, WINDOW, DIALOG> <oWnd> ] ;
[ RADIOMENU <oRadMenu> ] ;
[ <help:HELPID, HELP ID> <nHelpId> ] ;
[ <change: ON CLICK, ON CHANGE> <uChange> ] ;
[ COLOR <nClrFore> [,<nClrBack>] ] ;
[ MESSAGE <cMsg> ] ;
[ <update: UPDATE> ] ;
[ WHEN <uWhen> ] ;
[ SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight> ] ;
[ VALID <uValid> ] ;
[ <lDesign: DESIGN> ] ;
[ <lLook3d: 3D, _3D> ] ;
[ <lPixel: PIXEL> ] ;
* New: Function ShFile() to use the Windows system dialogs to manage files. Please review samples\DlgFile() for a working sample.