* New: function Now() is a new function in FWH. It returns the day, date and time from internet. Please
review samples/horizon.prg for a working example. This function is nor available for xhb commercial
neither for bcc64.
* Enhancement: esreport.prg(3426) Warning W0030 STATIC Function 'FWER_GETREGISTRY'
defined but never used fwpdf.prg(1957) Warning W0030 STATIC Function 'RGB2PDF' defined but
never used both fixed. thanks to Enrico!
* printer.prg
- For printing images saved in memo fields, till
now, it was required to assign the value of the
field to a character variable and then use it
to print the image.
cImage := FIELD->IMAGE
@ r,c PRINT TO oPrn IMAGE cImage SIZE w,h INCHES
now we can directly use the field variable.
* XBROWSER oAdoRecordset was giving runtime error due to
a bug in the previous version. Fixed now.
* New: Class TNeuralNetwork implements neural networks on FWH. Please review
samples\neural.prg for a working example traininig Xor operations using AI.
* New: New functions dbRollBack() and dbRollBackAll() in
source\function\dbffunc1.prg to help implementation of
transacion tracking with DBF
-See samples\dbf_tts.prg
* Enhancement: samples\buildh32.bat, samples\buildh64.bat and samples\buildx32.bat
have been fixed to properly reset the environment after the call to vcvarsall.bat
We have been looking for this solution for a long time

* Enhancement: samples\fivedit0.prg has been updated to use bcc7 and added a missing library.
You can easily build a project using it. We have not extensitevely tested it so feedback
is welcome.
* xbrowse.prg:
- Since FWH2008, bClrStd, bClrSel, bClrSelFocus are evaluated with two
parameters, viz., browse and column objects. column object is nil
when browse evaluates the blocks.However, if a column using a block using the parameters inline edit raises runtime
error. Fixed.
For previous versions from FWH2008, please assign a value to bClrEdit to avoid this
runtime error.
- While browsing ordered datasources, incremental seek feature is
on by default. At times this creates unexpected and undesired
movement of records.
Now, if the user presses any alphanumeric key the records keep
changing irrationally.
Now, this behaviour can be toggled with the new data
oBrw:lIncrSearch .t./.f. ( default .t. )
- Method ToExcel() Fix:
When browsing an array containing utf8 values in any cell was
resulting in runtime error. Fixed.
* DATA bBmpData is now evaluated with params, CellValue, lSelected,
* FW_ReadImage( <wmf_file> ) was giving runtime error, Fixed.
* function ICON_READ( cFileName ) in icons.c requires an existing
file as the first parameter. Now the parameter can be only name
of extension prefixed with "."
Eg: ICON_READ( ".docx" ) --> hIcon.
* BtnBmp.prg: Runtime error when 5th element of :aBmpRect is "circle"
or "ellipse" (introduced in 2004) is now fixed.
* New function fw_memowrit( cFile, cText ). Saves cText without suffixing
eof (chr(26)). Same as HB_MEMOWRIT( cFile, cText ) of Harbour and
MEMOWRIT( cFile, cText, .F. ) of xHarbour.
* New wrapper functions to windows api
GetTopWindow( [hWnd] ) --> hWnd
GetForegroundWindow() --> hWnd
in wndis.c
* Enhancement: Method SaveAsImage() of TWindow.
Inherited by dialogs and all controls.
SaveAsImage( [[@]cImageFile], [aCrop], [nRectType],
[lShow] ) --> lSuccess
[[@]cImageFile] : If empty, user is prompted tp select a file to save.
Can be saved as bmp, jpg/jpeg, png, tif.
[aCrop] : If specified, a crop of the windows rect is saved.
0. WindowRect including frame. (only for a window/dialog)
1. Default. Client Rect of window
2. Client Area rect (excludes oTop, oLeft, oBottom, oRight
This also means that buttonbar and msgbar are excluded)
[lShow]: If true, the saved file is displayed
* ximage: file save quality improment.