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Fivelinux support Tsbutton, vrd, xbrowse,btnget ?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 10:20 am
by ShumingWang
A big new factory may use Linux Xwindows instead of MS windows, they will have 300-400 pc stations to run ERP and firefox, openoffice, inbstead of ms windows,msoffice,IE,outlook express, only windows and msffice will save 2600 RMB(330 USD) cost per pc !
Before we suggest they to use our ERP on Linux, we'd know if Fivelinux support Tsbutton, vrd, xbrowse,btnget ?
btnget : getbtn.c , fwbmp.c
tsbutton : bpaint.c
xbrowse: xbrowsec.obj from , no source c.
vrd: cfunc.c , vrd.exe

and .rc , libmysql.dll I know , this could convert .
Now we use [x]harbour +fwh2.5+xbrowse+tmysql via mysql4.1-5.0

Best regard!
Shuming Wang

PostPosted: Wed Dec 07, 2005 12:39 pm
by Antonio Linares

FiveLinux does not support those controls yet, sorry. Just the standard ones plus the TWBrowse from FiveWin.