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ODBC Invalid Cursor State

PostPosted: Tue Sep 30, 2008 12:25 pm
by wzaf
I use Fw 2.1c and Mysql with myODBC connector.
I've installed new version of MyOdbc : 3.51.20 and I got the error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state: GetValue on field: 1, nType: 12, Len: 21.

Can someone help me ?

PostPosted: Wed Oct 01, 2008 10:40 pm
by Antonio Linares
You mak ask at mySQL tech support forums.

Anyhow, if you google for it, you will find that it is a common error that many people has experienced.

ODBC Invalid Cursor State

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:53 am
by wzaf
Tank you,
I'm going to ask MySql forum,
anyway do you know if there is the same problem using FWH ?

Walter Zafferami

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 10:01 am
by Antonio Linares

We have never used myODBC connector so we don't know it, sorry

But to access 32 bits code from a 16 bits application is not a good idea. You should consider to port your application to 32 bits using FWH and Harbour/xHarbour. Its easy and you can have it ready in a couple of weeks or before.

ODBC Invalid Cursor State

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:21 pm
by wzaf
I've considered many times porting my applications on FWH , but I have a lot of dialog forms made with Microsft Apstudio and stored in DLL . There is a simple way to port them under FWH ?

PostPosted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 2:30 pm
by Antonio Linares

yes, of course! You just need to open your DLL from a tool like Borland Resources Workshop and save your resources as a RC file (ascii).

Then call:

FWH\DLL\RC2DLL32.bat YourRCFile

and it will create a 32 bits DLL with your resources inside it :-)