... button. Window Closure: Once Fivewin detects the downloaded file, the browser window is automatically closed by the Fivewin invoice program with PostMessage(hWnd, WM_CLOSE). System Advantage: Data exchange with the client occurs without any changes to the firewall. The client only needs to log ...
... return endif ::Super... From the application with the button we find the handle of the window with TSAY hWn:=FindWindow() and send him a PostMessage (hWn, "myText")
It does not seem to be possible to use PopupBrowse with oEditGet of xbrowse. You may try something like this: #include "fivewin.ch"function XbrPopupBrowse() local oDlg, oBrw, oEditGet USE CUSTOMER DEFINE DIALOG oDlg SIZE 900,700 PIXEL TRUEPIXEL&n...
quiero usar la funcion popupBrowse en una columna de xBrowse de esta forma : WITH OBJECT :Descripcion :nEditType = if(::lNueva, EDIT_GET, EDIT_NONE) :cEditPicture = "@!" :bkeyChar = {|k,f,b,o| ::BuscaDescripcion(k,b,o)} E...
Antonio buenos dias, gracias por la ayuda Agrego la VM.LIB (xharbour), y me manda estos errorres :( :( Proyecto: Kept5, Entorno: BorlandDLL: [1]:Harbour.Exe Source\Tseguro.prg /m /n /es2 /ki /iP:\32bits\xharbour\include;P:\32bits\FWH\INCLUDE /i /oObj\Tseguro.c xHarbour Compiler build 1.2.1 (SimpLex)...
I need to send a message to the program from Excel Run the macro ................. hW=findwindow(Header_MtApp) PostMessage(hW, WM_USER, 50000, 0) The main window of my program - TDialog I'm trying to handle external messages through its Handleevent method (by Daniel) CLASS TMyDialog ...