Hola amigos.. les consulto, tengo la siguiente funcionalidad en mi xbrowse: oBrw:aCols[19]:nEditType :=EDIT_GET oBrw:aCols[19]:bOnPostEdit:={|oCol,xVal,nKey,f| If(nKey==VK_RETURN,MsgStop("alerta"),)} Cuando pulso 2click sobre la columna 19 de mi browse, me ...
2) Is it posible to trigger the :bEditBlock when F2 is pressed and only when the cell is editable ? if nEditType is EDIT_GET_BUTTON, then when F2 is pressed, the Get is invoked. if nEditType is EDIT_BUTTON, then when F2 is pressed the ButtonAction is invoked. For your requirement ...
1) when the F2 key is pressed the cell is edited even if :bEditWhen is FALSE Please modify this like this: case nKey == VK_F2 .and. ::lF2KeyToEdit .and. ! ::lReadOnly if ! ::lEditMode WITH OBJECT ::SelectedCol() if :lEditable //! :lReadOnly ...
2) Is it posible to trigger the :bEditBlock when F2 is pressed and only when the cell is editable ? if nEditType is EDIT_GET_BUTTON, then when F2 is pressed, the Get is invoked. if nEditType is EDIT_BUTTON, then when F2 is pressed the ButtonAction is invoked. For your requirement ...
1) when the F2 key is pressed the cell is edited even if :bEditWhen is FALSE Yes. This is a bug in xbrowse.prg, which has been overlooked for many years. Thanks for pointing this out. Can you apply this fix in xbrowse.prg and confirm if this working well. Please locate these lines in METHOD KeyDown...
... } What is the purpose of bEditBlock? I not Know I found this line on this forum on first colum I use :aCols[1]:nEditType := EDIT_LISTBOX :aCols[1]:aEditListTxt := acOperators I wish only it can run only when the oBrwFilter:nArrayAt not is 1 ( first row)
... chars you want to enter OR oBrw:aCols[ 4 ]:lVarChar := .T.// AND/ORaCols[ 4 ]:nMaxLen := n Nages, on first column I made :aCols[1]:nEditType := EDIT_LISTBOX :aCols[1]:aEditListTxt := acOperators :aCols[1]:bEditBlock := { |r,c|IIF(oBrwFilter:nArrayAt = 1,MsgInfo("not"),) ...
... oBrw:AddCol() oCol:bStrData = { || TRANSFORM( field->imp_eff, "@ZE 999,999,999.99" ) } oCol:cHeader = "TOTALE CLIENTE" oCol:nEditType = EDIT_NONE oCol:nWidth = 100 oCol:nDataStrAlign := AL_RIGHT How can I add another column that read / edit the value of field->seleziona ...
... k | oRSSTK:Fields( "costo" ):Value := x } //PostEdit( o, x, k ) } // EditaCelda( oaufactu, 1, x, k, lFirstEdit ) } // PostEdit(o,x,k) } :nEditType := EDIT_GET END pero no actualiza, seguro me falta algo.