... values you provided. Your current formula doesn’t seem to handle the step changes correctly. Let’s refine it. Given the pattern in your data, it looks like nInitialBet increases by 0.50 for every 4 units increase in nFixedProfit or nFixedUse after the initial value of 10. Here’s a more generalized ...
using GDIPLUS, see what the ampersand looks like. I noticed this and will provide a fix. This issue is fixed in the next version. For now, please apply this temporary fix: \fwh\source\classes\btnbmp.prg Please go to METHOD PaintCaption() Towards ...
Mestre Nages: Now please compile this example, using GDIPLUS, see what the ampersand looks like. Maestro Nages: Ahora, por favor compila este ejemplo, usando GDIPLUS, mira cómo se ve el signo comercial. // C:\FWH\SAMPLES\LEANDGET.PRG - By Kapiaba. Version con GDIPLUS.#Include ...
... @ nRow, nCol + 100 SAY ::oPage PROMPT FWString( "Page number:" ) + ; Without any changes this is how the preview bar looks like: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq70/922/rVjeaq.png Now, I changed +100 as +300 like this: @ nRow, nCol + 300 SAY ::oPage ...
... @ nRow, nCol + 100 SAY ::oPage PROMPT FWString( "Page number:" ) + ; Without any changes this is how the preview bar looks like: https://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/xq70/922/rVjeaq.png Now, I changed +100 as +300 like this: @ nRow, nCol + 300 SAY ::oPage ...
... then I programmed a patcher and preprocessor for myself. With this, I can organize source code as I please. Here is an example of how a program looks in HARBOURINO STYLE and the same in React. In the end, both programs generate the same HTML/JS source code. The patcher approach offers an interesting ...
Looks like I can not resolve the issue, unless I myself connect to the server and execute the query myself. FWH provides MSSQL cloud server for use of our users. Please connect to this server using oCn := FW_MSSQLDB() ...
... my DBF file and the program to read it there. Both databases have the same fields and both databases are 258,257 records in size. On my server, it looks like this now: DBF takes 95 ms to fully load the page, and the page with MariaDB takes 481 ms. Best regards, Otto https://mybergland.com/mariadb_dbfclip1.jpg ...