... oMarker, {y-30,x-10,y,x+10},.t.) } oMap:AddMarker(13.7025,42.6582,30,bDraw) The method AddMarker has parameters: Longitude, Latitude, Radius and a Block, The map drawing code calls the Block if the point at Longitude, Latitude is inside the screen or near the border ...
... >the lat and long are wrong what do you mean with this. Very good. Can you share your source code. Best regards, Otto I mean the latitude the longitude of Sillian and Lienz that you wrote are wrong I use a MapControl class that they published at least two years ago, I'm doing some tests such ...
Hello, I converted a javascript program to FW. This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource (TM) prodducts Best regards, Otto #include "FiveWin.ch"//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ...
Hello, I converted a javascript program to FW. This routine calculates the distance between two points (given the latitude/longitude of those points). It is being used to calculate the distance between two locations using GeoDataSource (TM) prodducts Best regards, Otto #include "FiveWin.ch"//----------------------------------------------------------------------------//function ...
Some time ago I did a FiveWin control that uses OpenStreetMap: http://forums.fivetechsupport.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=35535 here an updated code: #include <fivewin.ch>********** TEST CODE **********proc main LOCAL oWnd, oMap DEFINE WINDOW oWnd TITLE "3D objects" SetWndDef...
Perfect. Many thanks. Is it possible to pass the coordinates to the calling program? Instead of Shellexecute( NIL, "open", cMapFile ) Use Internet Explorer and read the DIV values of latclicked and longclicked For eg something like oIE:=CreateObject("InternetExplor...
... area and the height you want to see the map 3 An .XML file that you generate with your FW application where you are going to put the latitude and longitude in addition to some icons and a lot of other information that it deserves to appear. The .XML file is updated with a frequency of 30 seconds ...
... function initMap() { var latitude = 27.7172453; // YOUR LATITUDE VALUE var longitude = 85.3239605; // YOUR LONGITUDE VALUE var myLatLng = {lat: latitude, lng: longitude}; ...
... which returns the distance in meters. If the 3rd parameter is ommitted, MySql uses Earth's radius by default. Instead of storing lattitude and longitude separately in Table, we can use SPATIAL datatype POINT. This is a sample that will be released with FWH 18.01; /** mariageo.prg* SPATIAL dataype ...
... Sandoval", "1", "Torrejon de Ardoz", "Madrid", "Spain" ) ) I need to do this using Latitude e longitude. I have this code that is working: STATIC FUNCTION ShowGoogleMap(aData)LOCAL cHtmlContent1,cHtmlContent2, oOle, i,cMapFileLOCAL cAppendStr:="var ...