Estimados Amigos, espero que estén bien, tengo el siguiente problema, estoy trabajando con xbrowse, en una lectura de una tabla con unos 10 campos, el punto es que cuando hago click sobre el campo codigo se ordena por el, luego hago click sobre el campo nombre, hace exactamente lo ordena de forma as...
Mr. Rao Gracias por contestar,,, pero el problema persiste... solo haciendo doble click sobre la imagen se arregla el problema REDEFINE XBROWSE oLbx1 ID 4007 OF oDlg; COLUMNS 1,2,3; HEADERS "Mantencion","Servicio Realizado","Detalle/Observaciones"; COLSIZES 150,150,250;...
before set all :nColDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY :nRowDividerStyle := LINESTYLE_LIGHTGRAY then If lShowlines FOR i := 1 TO (nRecords*5) STEP 5 oCol := ::oLbx:aCols[ i ] ColPenColor( oCol, CLR_BLACK ) NEXT else FOR ...
At present, there is no way to change the color of the vertical divider color after creating the browse. We will consider providing this in future versions. Even then we will provide facility to change color of the pen ( GRAY to BLACK or any other color) but not the thickness of the Vertical Line. ...
At present, there is no way to change the color of the vertical divider color after creating the browse. We will consider providing this in future versions. Even then we will provide facility to change color of the pen ( GRAY to BLACK or any other color) but not the thickness of the Vertical Line. F...
No your sample not run here !!! the :nMarqueeStyle must be 2 at init it must be if the user press the button then if the user press the button then