it work when have "only" FIELD Name but seems not when have Function "in" INDEXKEY() / Ordkey() so i "strip" all of String to get FIELD Name "only" I suggest this function, which can handle index key of any complexity. If more than ...
... the times, we do not have to write any special code. it work when have "only" FIELD Name but seems not when have Function "in" INDEXKEY() / Ordkey() so i "strip" all of String to get FIELD Name "only" --- more Question : how is the Syntax to use "Header ...
... INDEXNAME in the data oCol:cSortOrder, while initially building the browse. XBrowse uses this information to do AutoSort what about Function in Indexkey() like STRZERO() :?: it does work when have FIELD only but fail when have Function(FIELD), or :?:
hi Antonio, To build it: hbmk2.exe create.prg -cflag=-D_HB_API_INTERNAL_ i try to use 1st Sample using set FWDIR=c:\fwhset fwh=c:\fwhset HBDIR=c:\harbourset hdirl=%hdir%\lib\win\bccset bcdir=c:\bcc7c:\Harbour\bin\hbmk2.exe %1 -cflag=-D_HB_API_INTERNAL_del %1.mapdel %1.tdsdel %1.objdel %1.cdel %1.ppo...
Using hashes from low level to support multiple codeblocks :-D Remember to build it this way: hbmk2.exe create.prg -cflag=-D_HB_API_INTERNAL_ function Main() hb_CreateFunction( "xyz", { || QOut( "from XYZ()" ) } ) hb_CreateFunction( "...
in this case this CODE will work where i use INDEXKEY() or OrdKey() to look which FIELD is used SET ORDER TO TAG "CITY"nCol := AScan( oBrw:aCols, { |oCol| oCol:cSortOrder == OrdSetFocus() } )? nColoCol := oBrw:aCols[ ...
Enhanced version supporting n parameters: We have to solve where to store the codeblocks, or next call to hb_CreateFunction() will overwrite the previous one. function Main() hb_CreateFunction( "xyz", { | a, b, c | QOut( c ) } ) ? hb_IsFunction( &q...
First prototype to create a function at runtime at assign a codeblock to it: 1. As we are using a static PHB_ITEM pCodeBlock, next call to CreateFunction() will overwrite it, so we need to find a solution for this. 2. We could enhance CreateFunction() to allow parameters: CreateFunction( cFunctionNa...